Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin


Wednesday, March 26, 2014


LIGHT-RAIL engineers needed a new tape measure after an apparent design flaw in the tram network caused havoc for motorists on the Gold Coast Highway.

Pictures sent in to the Bulletin showed Goldlinq trams blocking a lane of southbound highway traffic at traffic lights near the intersecti­on of the highway and Surfers Paradise Blvd.

Local resident “Rob” said it was “comical” to see a tram that was covered in road safety messages causing such a dangerous situation for motorists and took the photos.

“It is pretty silly and it is frustratin­g to see,” he said.

“I don’t like seeing our money wasted and obviously that is a big problem. It is going to cause some major headaches.”

Goldlinq CEO Phil Mumford said his company was aware of the problem and the traffic lights were to blame.

“We are aware of this incident – it was caused by a light phasing issue and this is why we have a testing and commission­ing phase,” Mr Mumford said.

“The issue is being fixed.”

It is understood the two sets of tram traffic lights on the Gold Coast Highway will both stay green while the tram travels through.

A Goldlinq spokeswoma­n said the lights were in sync during previous testing but the issue was encountere­d earlier that week when they became un-synched.

“It would be kind of funny if it wasn’t so serious,” said a local businessma­n.

The issue was resolved before the trams began taking passengers four months later in July 14.

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