Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



Across 1. A nation of competitor­s? (4)

3. Examine and move on (5,3)

8. Perk is reason for hairstyle (6,7)

10. Exit clip was very clear (8)

11. He lives in the valley ... (4)

13. ... it’s rather beautiful (6)

14. Nightingal­es but not a linnet in sight for the Scottish fare (6)

17. marker (4)

19. Limit Ray to the forces (8)

22. but it would be if none (13)

23. Bleating about something real (8)

24. away (4) Down 1. Search for a gun (5)

2. A lame sort of clipper (7)

4. Small being called Bob (unfortunat­ely) appeared in a popular song (6)

5. A sharp blow on the nose (4)

6. eating this? (5)

7. Attunes to a disease ... (7)

9. ... it’s a trial outcome (6)

12. Arithmetic­al, Marcel went to the island.... (6)

13. Pat gets three for the love of his country (7)

15. Rap 11 for getting hooks into (7)

16. Alpine gland (6)

18. Penelope Canning was a bit of a nut! (5)

20. statistics (5)

21. Against having no pudding around Santiago (4)

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