Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




1 Which team ball game is played using long-handled sticks strung with a netted pouch? (8)

7 In Judaism, what is a period of seven days’ formal mourning for the dead? (5)

8 What expression of surprise began as “God blind me”? (3,6)

9 Otitis affects the what? (3)

10 What is the burrow of a badger? (4)

11 A person who is excessivel­y concerned with minor detail might be called a what? (6) 13 Whose statement before the 1991 Gulf War re-popularise­d the catchphras­e “The mother of all...”? (6,7)

15/16 Who was the only non-elected US president? (6,4)

18 Distilled from wood or coal, what is used to waterproof canvas? (3)

20 In which ship did James Cook sail to Tahiti to observe 1769’s transit of Venus? (9) 21 Kathmandu is the capital of which country? (5)

22 What are words that mean the same as another word in the same language? (8)


1 Who (George ___) created the epic Star Wars? (5)

2 Which arteries supply blood to the head and neck? (7)

3 What is the capital of Norway? (4)

4 Which film had Cliff Richard driving a double-decker London bus around Europe? (6,7)

5 What hammered metal pin holds plates of metal together? (5)

6 Who built a defensive wall across northern England? (7)

7 What is the junction between two nerve cells? (7)

12 Which archangel revealed the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad? (7)

13 Which navigation instrument superseded the astrolabe? (7)

14 Which branch of biology is concerned with organisms and their environmen­t? (7) 15 What lined chart has x and y axes? (5)

17 What are you playing if you are trying for a double top? (5)

19 What is the lower part of an interior wall decorated differentl­y from the upper part? (4)

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