Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

0416 905 148


What a joke closing Mt Warning walking track so so so wrong . I will be voting no for special indigenous voice . Poss Tallebudge­ra

Please Mayor Tate and GC Council, can we please have early access to sandbaggin­g for the upcoming storm season. Really!!

Lies sprint, but the truth runs marathons. More than three decades of sprinting climate lies have run out of puff and the plodding truth has exposed them. No sea level rise, no change in temperatur­e, no melted poles. It’s game over for climate alarmists. JS

Thanks, Sally Spain, for the term “greed-based planning”. Very fitting for Sardine city.

The constructi­on of the Oceanway reminds me of a cartoon I saw once where a group of uniformed workers are destroying park benches with sledge hammers. In the background there is a van with a sign on the side reading “Job Creation Unit”. In the case of the Oceanway, the sea is the job creation unit. Don’t pause constructi­on of the Oceanway. End it and spend the rate-payers’ money more wisely.

Pat Cummins has lost all cred now. Happy to take all his cash in the IPL from franchise owners polluters but won’t support the major sponsor of CA. Who does he think he is? Personally he should sack himself back to shield cricket if he doesn’t like it there’s plenty that would love his spot in the team. Tooroo Pat

Goody! Thousands of new homes are to be built in the Upper Coomera investigat­ion area from where the happy new home owners will be able to wend their way slowly along narrow traffic-choked local roads to the M1 carpark.

Welcome to the newest Bronx suburb of the GC , Coomera social housing quick sell up while you can and get outa there . Bill

If the south wind blows all the leaves into my yard then why doesn’t the north wind blow them out again? Graham

Got to agree that that the Rugby League World Cup is a farce, with only Australia and England likely to win it and NZ as the outsider with a chance. Even NSW or QLD could win it on their own. However it’s just not just Rugby League that’s getting greedy, even the world game (Soccer) is getting in on the act with 48 teams in the 2026 World Cup in N.america. Now that’s an even bigger farce and a joke, when only 7 countries have ever won it in nearly 100 years. Then it will only be a matter of time before it increases to 64 by mid century when it should be only 16 teams involved which realistica­lly only 10 to 12 countries can win it for decades to come. As they say, It’s all about the money.ds.

Seems Science Believer is getting angry because the average citizen has enough intelligen­ce to understand the truth that climate change is the greatest hoax ever attempted on mankind- Stan Forgham

Go sister, Ozzie Gretal you are a leader. And well done to all the throw ball people and wicket people for saying no to fossil fuel sponsorshi­p. This is a great start. Happy Citizen

We should sack the next athlete that has a woke dummy spit just to set an example. Whether it’s cricket, netball or badminton, representi­ng your country is not a platform for woke weirdos. Start with Sam Kerr. Dave

Was just curious, so read blurb on a packet of loo paper that makes amazing claims like; sustainabl­e, over 4 million trees saved, family been making paper products for 3 generation­s, 100% recycled, chlorine/bleach free - yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah, on it went! Anyhow, if product is so “environmen­tally friendly,” how come product isn’t wrapped in recycled paper too? Instead of me having to scan the whole PLASTIC wrapping, looking to see where soft PLASTIC wrapping could go to be recycled? Which is apparently - nowhere! Talk about 2 steps forward & 10 backwards! Bloody big HMPH indeed! Ooroo

Once again, a sportsman goes woke and makes a goose of himself. Pat Cummins is against cheap electricit­y but not against slave labour in China. I hope he makes himself unavailabl­e to tour anywhere as he wouldn’t want to be emitting any nasty CO2. Peter

Never watched cricket, but that Pat Cummins is a bit of a spunk. Toey

Doctor Doctor, Will I be able to play the violin after the operation? Yes of course. Oh great. I never could before Terryk

Everyone loves Raymond? No they absolutely DON’T! Constant whingey, whiney godawful, horrid people!


The Church council at Chalcedon, near Constantin­ople, adopts the Chalcedoni­an Creed affirming the dual nature of Jesus Christ as both human and divine. 1707

Four warships of the British naval fleet are wrecked on the Scilly Isles off Cornwall during bad weather. Around 1500 sailors are killed including Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell. The disaster was blamed partly on the inability of navigators to properly determine their longitude. 1773

The King of Tonga presents Captain James Cook with a turtle. It is later taken back to London, where it died in 1966.


The first recorded parachute jump is made by Frenchman Andre Jacques Garnerin from a balloon 680m above the Parc Monceau in Paris.


Politician and former general Sam Houston is inaugurate­d as the first president of the Republic of Texas.


The world’s first rugby match under lights takes place in Salford, between Broughton and Swinton.


Noted French Postimpres­sionist artist Paul Cezanne dies at the age of 67 in Aix-en-provence. 1907

A run on the stocks of the Knickerboc­ker Trust Company, one of New York’s largest trusts, causes a financial panic that results in a depression.


Andrew Fisher (above), three times prime minister of Australia, dies in West Hampstead in London at the age of 66.


French philosophe­r Jean-paul Sartre rejects the Nobel prize for literature, saying it will have a negative impact on his writing 2013

ACT passes same-sex marriage laws. The Commonweal­th immediatel­y lodges a High Court objection, seeking an expedited hearing before the first marriages happen in early December. The legislatio­n is later overturned by the High Court.

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