Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




1 What orange-yellow flavouring, food colouring, and dye is made from the dried stigmas of a crocus? (7)

4 In the Middle Ages, what was measured in ells? (5)

7 What is processed in a Bessemer converter? (4)

8 What is a military or ceremonial flag? (8) 10 Who hosted a TV variety show in the US from 1948 to 1971? (2,8)

12 What word is an acronym of quasi-autonomous non-government­al organisati­on? (6)

13 What is the silky, protective envelope secreted by some insect larvae? (6)

15 What 1990 song by Madonna was inspired by a line from the Dick Tracy film? (5, 5)

18 Which former Monty Python member sang the theme song for TV’S One Foot in the Grave? (4,4)

19 What do Americans call the triangular frame used to arrange snooker balls? (4)

20 What open-weave hessian fabric is used in stage sets? (5)

21 The ruins of which ancient city lie on the Euphrates River south of Baghdad? (7)


1 What part of the body is affected by scoliosis? (5)

2 The name for what size of paper sheet came from a watermark once used on it? (8) 3 Who is cousin to squirrel Twinkleber­ry in a Beatrix Potter story? (6)

4 What small, round ribbed variety of melon has orange flesh? (10)

5 What colourful gemstone is mined in Australia? (4)

6 Which Roman emperor initiated the building of a wall to control Scottish tribes? (7)

9 What is the act of taking and using another’s works or ideas as one’s own? (10) 11 Which is the most south-westerly county of England? (8)

12 What are members of the Society of Friends known as? (7)

14 Which US space station was launched in 1973? (6)

16 Which river flows from Canada, through Alaska into the Bering Sea? (5)

17 Which Paris fashion house introduced the “sack look” in the 1950s? (4)

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