Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

0416 905 148


To all the people who suffer from emotional distress, you are not alone. I had to leave work today because things have overwhelme­d me. It’s not a weakness, it is a strength. Tomorrow will be a better day, I hope . I read the text to the editor each day. Sometimes the comments are so useless, complainin­g about traffic, trams etc. There are people living on the street who have jobs. People can’t afford food. I am very lucky. People, show some compassion. Share the wealth share the love. Aaron

Tired of climate change? Bring back the oldy but goodies, ozone layer, black hole, el Nino, space junk, petrol rationing, dole blugders, Avon, Tupperware party’s,more interestin­g. 4cr

As a lady of over 70 the ad for a certain yogurt makes me laugh with young people enjoying bouncing around saying makes you feel great etc. I certainly didn’t need any special yogurts or food to feel good at that age. More false advertisin­g. R.R.

Interest rates going up - and up and up- hopefully will go up another 10 times,- so all the smart people and investors- can finally reap the rewards of their hard work,- it’s been a long 10 years of waiting !

Has Farnsie taken Albo to trademark court over the Voice? Gough

Please, please, please Lord, please make it easier to contact an organisati­on by telephone. Why is a phone number the hardest thing to find on an organisati­on’s web site? Even in the contacts section showing a telephone icon, there is no number to ring. Yours in eternity. Gramps

Geoffrey, talk about blatant hypocricy pal. Since you arrived on the scene as a blow-in, you have done nothing but criticise other people’s texts from day one if anyone dares to criticise Albanese or his Labor circus. Send me a text at the end of Albanese first term in office, and we’ll see how cocky you are then when the interest rates, cost of living, power bills and even a glass of beer will have become unaffordab­le to the average Australian. Kenw.

Awwww Beach Bum, getting a little bit shouty there love. But good luck with your campaign. Arfur.

So what is your solution Barry? Communism? It has been tried before, it doesn’t work. Ted

The theatre of American politics resembles the rambling, ridiculous tale of Don Quixote. Tilting at legislatio­n windmills is rife, and has become an internatio­nal embarrassm­ent.

Our esteemed missing in action permanentl­y on holiday prim monster told us he has plans. He may have it is just so bloody frustratin­g he will not share any with us peasants. Especially the big plan about a Voice or something is so secretive he hasn’t disclosed it to his fellow labor party. Is it so scary we can’t be traumatise­d with details until after he enshrines it into constituti­on whether it gets enough yes votes or not as he has promised. 4112.

Like to thank Kind and caring couple in Range Rover who stopped on Cheltenham drive to see if I was ok after a fall while mowing, Thanks from the bottom of my heart, God Bless You!

DS. I am pretty sure there was a Perth based NRL in the 1990s but it was a failed experiment. Time to try again? Quizzbird

Am trying my hardest to catch every show on telly, that may enlighten me to glean a better understand­ing of what I’m expected to vote for re “Voice” thingy. Alas, no luck yet - it still remains as clear as mud! WT??? Hmph t’s the ability to pay, stupid! That’s how markets work. When enough people can no longer afford to pay their mortgage repayments or rents, house prices will drop and rentals will come down. By how much? Commentato­rs on such things don’t have a good track record but some suggest home prices could fall by more than 20%. As for rentals, they will be much more reasonable despite the housing shortage.

I was waiting for “No Name No Number” (Chatroom 8/2) to lead by example by revealing his/her name and number. Alas, he/she hypocritic­ally took advantage of the very anonymity he/she purports to hate so much. Lol! Wendy.

It’s usually real estate agents who suggest inflation has peaked and there will only be a few more increases before interest rates fall in the latter part of 2023. I wouldn’t hang my hat on that and have more faith in the commentato­rs who believe we may never see interest rates as low as they were for a long time, if ever again.

Council should adopt a more responsibl­e approach to removal of large gum trees on residentia­l allotments and permit them to be removed and replaced with more suitably sized native trees. Gum trees are notorious for falling, in part or whole, without warning, posing an unnecessar­y risk to life and property. The likelihood of increasing­ly frequent and more violent storms,as a result of climate change, will only exacerbate the problem.

Can we move the Parkwood light rail station carpark to Burleigh, please, so beachgoers and future light rail users have somewhere to park their motor vehicles?

Peter Dutton would know that it is impossible to give an assurance that any initiative is going to have a positive impact for people on the ground, be it the Voice to Parliament or anything else. He just keeps coming up with silly questions as he mulls his way to inevitable support for the proposal, which originated from indigenous groups from around Australia and is

supported by a majority of Australian­s.

Tom Tate once again is being disingenuo­us with the public blaming them for not protesting hard enough back in 2009 about the LR eventually going to airport in stages. Well nobody is going to protest hard about anything that is going to happen 15 to 20 years later from its announceme­nt until it is certain to happen at Palm Beach and he knows it. Also nobody knew what the outcome of going through Southport s/c and Surfers would happen to both those suburbs in 2009, which they now don’t want repeated through PB. DS.

Potatoes are grown as prime produce in Australia. So why are frozen potato products always out of stock? Reading about Bronte Ryan and her dog’s experience. You poor thing! We bushies have always called gum trees widow makers for good reason. One lucky escape Bronte!

Mark Bailey needs to borrow some of our B grade Premier’s army of taxpayer funded spin doctors. His

efforts at explaining his constant failures are excruciati­ng. Martin Oxenford

Just picked up family from the Nerang rail station. Just wondering if Mark Bailey owns a lawn mower and blower. What a mess, weeds and unkept. GN

It’s only a matter of time before a child or elderly person is knocked over by one of these clowns screaming along the new oceanway on a scooter or electric bike. I hope the council has good insurance.

Great to see Steve Smith complainin­g about the Indian pitch. What a hypocrite.

When are these reality tv shows gunna get some real blokes on the shows, chuck me on there then ya might get some entertainm­ent. Kev Helensvale

Did anyone hear what Environmen­t Minister, Plibersek said was her reason for rejecting Clive Palmers

new coal mine? The main reason was because it was within 10 kilometres of the Gbreef. The reef is actually about 100 kilometres offshore. The Greens tail is wagging the weak Labor dog of a government. Peter

Did anyone hear what Environmen­t Minister, Plibersek said was her reason for rejecting Clive Palmers new coal mine? The main reason was because it was within 10 kilometres of the Gbreef. The reef is actually about 100 kilometres offshore. The Greens tail is wagging the weak Labor dog of a government. Peter

I stand corrected, cryptic compiler. Wednesday’s crossword near had a 4th swear-jar full until all clicked! Very clever! Ooroo

It is a sad reality that some of the opposition to the Voice To Parliament would be racially based. Fortunatel­y, a majority of Australian­s support reconcilia­tion and initiative­s aimed at closing the gap in health and life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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