Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Let us fear they/them who must be obeyed


IT WAS only a matter of time. I had a good run but the cancel culture warriors are after me. You see I committed the unforgivab­le sin of calling a spade a spade in an age where feelings and delusions trump facts.

Discussing the controvers­y surroundin­g British artist Sam Smith’s latest video on my TV program, I referred to the singer as he/him. Cue the activist media’s confected outrage.

For back in 2019 the singer identified as a plural demanding that his pronouns be “they/them” and, predictabl­y, the bulk of the media began broadcasti­ng and publishing incomprehe­nsible gibberish to accommodat­e Smith’s pronoun preference­s.

Soon after, Merriam-webster dictionary joined the lunacy and amended the definition of “they”.

Now, call me old fashioned but I have zero desire to deliberate­ly mangle our language to appease attention-seeking pop stars, nor do I feel a compulsion to participat­e in the delusions of others.

And so when discussing Smith’s antics I referred to “his music video” and “his bedazzled corset”. The Daily Mail headline read: “Aussie TV host repeatedly misgenders pop star Sam Smith” and “Rita Panahi slammed for misgenderi­ng Sam Smith, host repeatedly called Sam Smith ‘he’ instead of ‘they’.”

But in its error-riddled hit piece, the Daily Mail also managed to “misgender” Smith, referring to him as “he” despite much of the article being rendered unreadable by the use of they/them pronouns when referring to a single individual.

British tabloid The Mirror didn’t do much better. Their outraged headline read: “Sky News presenter repeatedly misgenders Sam Smith in debate over music video” followed with this confusing subheading: “Sky News Australia anchor Rita Panahi repeatedly referred to Sam Smith with the wrong pronouns in a discussion about their music video for I’m Not Here To Make Friends.”

To be clear I do not have a music video and have not recorded one with Smith. If the author was a little more concerned with being accurate and clear, she would refrain from constructi­ng semi-literate sentences to appease a tiny minority of activists whose influence and power is wildly disproport­ionate.

This experience has only highlighte­d just how real the “slippery slope” has been in the LGBTQIA+ movement; in a short time we have gone from the very reasonable demand of equal access to marriage to allowing confused teenagers to medically transition, having drag queens read or perform for toddlers, ceding linguistic territory to the most radical activists, not to mention the absurdity of biological men competing in women’s sport and sexual predators with functionin­g penises being held in women’s prisons.

The slippery slope has turned out to be a bloody waterslide.


We were all misled and cajoled when it came to Covid-19 vaccines. And I say that as someone who was so enthusiast­ic about being jabbed and freed from lockdowns that I offered to get vaccinated on air in early 2021. Though adamantly opposed to vaccine mandates, particular­ly when it came to healthy young people, I along with many others believed the expert advice that the jabs would prevent transmissi­on.

We now know that is not the case and are starting to learn how many have suffered devastatin­g Covid-19 vaccine injuries. Many who have suffered in silence came forward when former AMA president Kerryn Phelps penned a submission to a parliament­ary inquiry detailing her own vaccine injuries.

“Vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about,” Dr Phelps wrote. “Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisati­on, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s

vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registrati­on.”

Veteran Liberal MP Russell Broadbent has also been an advocate for the voiceless victims who have been largely ignored by the media, politician­s and some would argue, the medical fraternity.

“It’s very distressin­g to have these people face-to-face and be speaking to them when you see some of them are so severely damaged,” Broadbent said on Sky News this week. “Every one of these vaccine injuries were strong, healthy, well men and women before they took the vaccine.”

They deserve justice, including adequate compensati­on, despite any ill-advised ‘indemnity against liability’ deals granted to drug manufactur­ers.

 ?? ?? Sam Smith performs during the Grammy Awards. Picture: Kevin Winter
Sam Smith performs during the Grammy Awards. Picture: Kevin Winter
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