Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

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reduce the reliance on vehicles then how about working on some options! BG Bundall.

Have any of you Light Rail lovers,have any idea of the size of the land to be resumed for the lay down yards,to build the two bridges over the creeks in Palm Beach? Palmy Steve

I read in todays paper that the numbers applying for Uni have ‘faced a hefty decline’. No wonder, when young people are convinced the world is shortly coming to an end, & there’ll be no future for them because of the (fictitious) climate change. For those of us who are older, we’ve seen a lot of world (ending) threats in the past, & we’re still here. John Mc

OMG! Expensive and unreliable wind farms are doing massive damage to farms and forests as pathetic politician­s pursue a ridiculous path to so called ‘clean’ energy. So clean it kills many thousands of jobs, hikes power prices and threatens recurring blackouts. Good old coal, gas and hydro did none of these negative things. It’s all a con devised to create a socialist society where the rich and powerful thrive while the rest of us suffer.

SO many young folk getting into such seriously BIG strife of late, clearly shows parents haven’t sat them down to give ‘em the “fork in the road” talk! Ie : choose criminal road - in & out of jail/gaol & whole life is guaranteed to be completely fkd forever! OR choose other road - get educated, do the right thing (many bumps along the way, of course!) but ultimately living & enjoying a bloody good life! Their choice! Anyhow, that’s what I reckon, Ooroo

Not one bloody peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, mango nor any bloody apple tastes like it bloody should from supermarke­ts!!! So who’s ripping us off? Had your back suppliers, but sadly seems - you’re the ones totally ripping us all off!!!!!! Hmph!!!!!!!! AFL Brisbane Lions legend Dayne Zorko turns 35 next week! A great player who dreams of winning a Grand Final! Looking like he will have to wait for another 35 years before that happens! KB Tweed

Steve Smith will be fine, the guy is a weapon no matter where you put him. All this crap about him and where he bats is so overblown. Just haters after sandpaperg­ate. Look at his record.

The Aussie cricket team was beaten by the Windies. So what. They have beaten everything else in their path. Give the guys a break.

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