Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

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Police officer to shoot a person armed with a knife when threatened however a home owner is not allowed to use force or a firearm to defend themselves? Something is not equitable here! RB

Cars, trucks, motorbikes etc. pay registrati­on fees and display reg. plates. Bicycles, e-bikes and escooters do not, yet they use the same roads without contributi­ng to the maintenanc­e. How is that fair? Martin Oxenford

Drive the M1 every day. God dman their are some deadsh*ts on our roads. Need to do better testing to stop idiots.

Melbourne oldies . I think you are suffering brain fade. Daylight saving doesn’t change the amount of Sun we get in a day. Go back to Melbourne if you don’t like us . See ya . Old Reggie VL

I wonder what the Poll result would be re bringing back the Death Penalty.. Doug

P.M. Dutton. He has the power!

People seem quick to take a shot at Dutton but god damn, Albo is far from the saviour he was painted out to be. This bloke is happy wasting our money on concerts and trips. Something has to give.

Everyone is so quick to jump on Albo for the Taylor Swift concert. All of our Prime Ministers at one stage or another have enjoyed the perks of office. Except maybe for Keating.

Albo might need to shake it off after the Tay Tay concert. Shake it off and wake up so you can start running the country again buddy. This is not what we voted for.

GO RAMBO - agree 100% and likewise. PH

Rambo taking no prisoners. It’s just like the movies, but in text form. Sure that will get the job done. SMS warfare.

Wow look at all the Trump fans coming out of the woodworks. You realise this guy is the worst right? No, of course you do, that’s why you associate with him. Carry on.

It’s Autumn! But someone must have forgotten to tell the elements.

OK,I need a change of weather and fast. It is too hot and too muggy. Cool change please.

Advocating for nuclear generation is the coalition’s only energy policy. Without being against the ban, which the Coalition itself imposed, it would have no policy at all and would have to think of something sensible. ajs

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