Wheels (Australia)


- Peter Ellis, via email

The message that car crashes will happen but safer cars will reduce the severity of injury ( Meet the TAC’S human designed to survive a car crash, Wheelsmag.com.au) is not the message modern work places promote.

The real message from the TAC seems don’t change the way you drive or your attitudes to road safety and let ‘Graham’ and his mates, in conjunctio­n with safer cars and roads, reduce the severity of injuries.

Reduce the severity from what? Spare me! Just don’t have a crash in the first place.

The biggest lever to make driving safer is for people to behave more safely. A person in the workplace is not permitted to operate equipment until that person is adequately trained and assessed as being competent to do so. Passing a relatively simple driving test doesn’t assess a person’s behaviours and suitabilit­y to drive.

It’s unfortunat­e the TAC and other government­ment bodies are not addressing the hardd issues – people and their behaviours.ours. The TAC is working in a mid-rangeange area of effectiven­ess in the hierarchy of controls, using engineerin­gering controls for safer cars and roads, and administra­tive controls for things suchuch as speeding. It should also be directingc­ting effort at the eliminatio­n of the hazards caused by people.

If a person is not adequately trained and competent, or doesn’t show thehe correct behaviours and attitudee to driving, they should not be issueded with a licence to drive until theyey meet the required standardsr­ds (which right now are veryy low).

Higherer standards and thereforer­e safer people driving willill eliminatel­iit some off the drivdrivin­gving hazards. Is there a politicpol­iticalcal will to do that? Not yet, a pp apparently. parently.

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