With her cookbook, ‘Stirring Up Fun with Food’ (Hachette, $39.99), the mother of two, 40, has traded Buffy’s wooden stakes for wooden spoons, as she tells Isabella Biedenharn.


Where do you find inspiratio­n for creative desserts? Are you always on Pinterest? I take it more from life. If you look at my cookbook, there’s a Star Wars chapter, there’s a Shark Week chapter ... I can’t believe you based a whole set of desserts around Shark Week. Someone on Amazon found my Shark Week chapter very offensive. It made me laugh. But that’s sort of where the inspiratio­n comes from— things my kids [Charlotte, 7, and Rocky, 4, with husband Freddie Prinze Jr] are interested in. Your company, Foodstirs, sells baking mixes made of healthy and sustainabl­e ingredient­s. What were some of your fears going into that? I’ve been in one career my entire life, and you worry: will people be interested? Will they take me seriously? That makes sense. And you want to show that you take it seriously, too. People are smarter now. I think audiences know if you’re just lending your name or if it’s something that you’re really involved in. How does seeing your product in a supermarke­t feel different from seeing your face on a magazine? There’s something really interestin­g about having a tangible product. I’ve created [art] my whole life, but it’s sort of intrinsica­lly in the ether. Now my children have watched me come up with an idea and create something tangible and watched it get manufactur­ed. That’s been a really special experience for us, which is very different than them understand­ing how a movie gets made, or a TV show. I think it’s a really good lesson for them.

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