- JENNIE NOONAN WHO Executive Editor

When we last clapped eyes on Victorian vineyard manager Jarrod Woodgate, he was a red-faced, snot-sniffing mess on The Bacheloret­te and we all worried about him hanging a hard left straight into the ocean after Sophie Monk shattered his heart like she was throwing an empty rosé bottle into the recycling bin.

Back then, his fragility was his downfall. After scoring the first date with Sophie, he mistook her genuine friendline­ss and fine-tuned social skills for sure signs she was madly in love with him. He did for pot plants what Fatal Attraction did for pet rabbits and we watched through parted fingers. What he needed, ultimately, was to calm down.

Throwing open the pointless gates on his way into Bachelor in Paradise, Woodgate finds himself faced with an alternate reality. Keira is keen. The date with Ali went well.

There are a few points to take from this: First of all, being dumped isn’t the end of the world. Even the fact that Jarrod is willing to put himself out there again—on TV no less!— while the audience is still trying to get the sound of his sobs out of their heads is admirable.

Secondly, it seems that the ladies like a comeback story—not to mention a famous face. Being Sophie’s second choice doesn’t seem to be doing Jarrod any harm.

And lastly, perhaps Jarrod has matured. Maybe he watched himself and has made a few tweaks. Like a fine wine, he’s improving with age.

Now, he just needs to chill.

 ??  ?? Bacheloret­te Sophie Monk passed over Woodgate for Stu Laundy.
Bacheloret­te Sophie Monk passed over Woodgate for Stu Laundy.
 ??  ??

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