The star tells WHO about the job she loves most.

- By Melody Chiu

Aglance at Britney Spears’s Instagram account of late proves that home—and the little people in it—is where the star’s heart is these days. “Nothing makes me happier as a mom than watching these boys grow and smile and laugh!” she posted on May 16, with a video of her chasing sons Sean, 12, and Jayden, 11, around the lush gardens of their palatial home. “They are my world and I love days like this when we get to just run around and play together.” The singer, 36, caught up with WHO about family, keeping fit and her new tour.

You’re travelling to the US East Coast and Europe in July for your Piece of Me tour. Will your sons be joining you?

Of course! I haven’t been to Europe in a while, so I’m really excited about it. I have a month and a half before I go, so there’s a little work to do.

Your kids are growing up so fast. What’s it like raising tween boys?

They’re such sweetheart­s. [Sean] plays football. He’s kind of tiny, so I worry. They actually tackle each other. He’s still a baby to me, so I’m like, “Please stop!” They’re [both] into sports.

What’s your favourite workout these days?

I keep things basic. I don’t work out that much, to be totally honest. I like to dance and do yoga.

Do you try to eat healthier meals before a tour?

It’s tricky because sometimes my appetite is through the roof, and I’ll just inhale a club sandwich and fries. Then sometimes I don’t want to eat anything. But when I’m hungry, it’s like, “Don’t talk to me. I want a hamburger, and I want it now!” I love food so much.

What’s something in your wardrobe you’ll never give up?

I’ve always been a shorts girl. I used to play basketball, so I like minishorts and a tank top or a cool T-shirt. That’s what I clean my house in.

Can we expect a new album from you soon?

Yes, I’m recording right now, but [everything about it] is a big secret!

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