Yan sheds & Gamble, Dr Li expert at Procter Digestive-health a healthy gut in your diet equals light on why fibre


According to the National Health and Medical Research Council, we should be eating 25-30g of fibre each day to maintain a healthy digestive system. Yet most people aren’t. “People believe they are eating enough fibre. However, when I tell them [the recommende­d amount] is equal to around 10 apples or a kilo of white bread, they often find themselves mistaken,” says Dr Yan.

What are the signs you’re lacking fibre?

If you’re not going [to the bathroom] regularly or feel that you can’t empty your bowels as often or as easily as you would like, Dr Yan suggest “assessing your fibre intake or visiting your healthcare profession­al.” Stay within the range, as too much fibre can cause discomfort, bloating and flatulence.

What are the benefits of fibre?

Fibre helps remove waste and indigestib­le substances from the body, acting as a cleanser for your insides. It plays an important role in keeping the digestive tract healthy by keeping bowel movements regular.

What should we eat for a fibre-rich diet?

A diet rich in legumes, seeds, fruits and vegetables will provide you with enough daily fibre. But Dr Yan also suggests a fibre supplement with psyllium husks. “Psyllium is a good source of dietary fibre as it contains both soluble fibre and insoluble fibre,” Dr Yan says. “It helps trap waste and gently move [it] through the digestive system.”

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