THIS IS US The stars get candid

The This Is Us co-stars spill on their close friendship and Season 3

- By Jenny Cooney Carillo

American drama series This Is Us has seen huge success since it first aired in 2016. As the events of season three unfold on our screens, following the lives of Jack and Rebecca Pearson and their three kids, WHO sits down with main actors Milo Ventimigli­a and Mandy Moore to chat about the drama, the tears and how the show has changed them.

What can we expect for Season 3?


Things get in the way between Jack and Rebecca so we go back to happier times which is great. Jack is also in the throes of Vietnam, which is a very different contrast to their young love. Do you enjoy working on the show?


favourite place to be in the world is on set. Going from Jack to Trey in Second Act or Denny in The Art of Racing in the Rain, it’s bringing new life to something that is hopefully going to touch people and touch an audience and ultimately change their life.


There’s nothing like coming home to this set. I feel lucky that the show has given us all these varied opportunit­ies. What was your first love like?


In real life? It was a long time ago, but now getting to explore love in the way that our characters experience it, it’s a fairytale almost. Has pressure been relieved since Jack’s death was revealed?


I don’t think it took pressure off, but I don’t particular­ly feel pressure. MOORE I’m just glad it’s out there because I was so terrified for a while that I was going to slip up or accidental­ly say it. How has this show changed your life?


It feels like a bigger responsibi­lity to represent something good. We can’t take our character masks off in the world because we’ve been in people’s homes and sat with them and we’ve held them in a way, through their own stuff that we don’t even know about.


There is a discernibl­e difference about coming into someone’s home. The intimacy that is just automatica­lly there so people do feel like they know you. Do you both watch the show?


Mandy and I watch every episode together. Always, since the very beginning. MOORE I think we’ve missed two episodes of the whole series. It always has to happen during lunch, while we’re working.


It’s literally, don’t cry too hard because we’ll mess up our makeup. How did you feel watching the episode where Jack dies?


It was deep down heartbreak­ing. It was hard to film because of the deep-seated emotion that this family has. I mean, I’ve never seen a human being cry as much as Mandy Moore. I felt like, hey, here’s some water, you’re going to need it. MOORE Rehydrate yourself. Milo, what was it like working with Jennifer Lopez in the film Second Act?


Jennifer is the coolest. She is one of the hardest workers, talented, kind, giving and fun. I was filming that movie around the same time Jack was dying, so it was such a contrast to go from the loss of the Pearsons to Jennifer Lopez in a shower ( laughs). Does J.LO watch This Is Us?


She told me she and her sister make the time to sit down and watch it, which I thought was pretty lovely. As busy as

“I’ve never seen a human being cry as much as Mandy Moore” —Milo Ventimigli­a

that woman is, she still made time to watch the show, which I was grateful for.

Mandy, you’re quite open and were shaving the other day on Instagram.

MOORE I have to shave [my face] before I put prosthetic­s on because otherwise the little tiny baby fuzz that we women have on our cheeks, the glue sort of sticks to it and makes the hair like more obvious. So they shaved my face.

VENTIMIGLI­A Do you want me to shave my legs in solidarity? (Laughs.)

MOORE I don’t like shaving my legs so I won’t make you do it.

Mandy, are you sick of wearing your prosthetic­s? Has anyone recognised you off set wearing them?

MOORE I love it because it means I’m working with sort of the other side of the cast. People ask me that. I feel like I should do some undercover video or something and put it on my Instagram, like going to order a coffee and seeing if anybody looks at me oddly.

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