
At just 21 years old, Nikita was 105kg and would turn her shower on to the hottest setting to steam up the mirror so she didn’t have to look at herself. “I hid from any photo op that wasn’t an angled selfie,” says the now 23-year-old (and 69kg) redhead from Queensland. “My entire family is overweight. I don’t think anyone in two generation­s has had a healthy BMI or lifestyle,” she adds.

Born with spina bifida, Baxter used her condition as an excuse to eat what she wanted. “I was a sick child so often got my own way. I played on this for most of my life and became a fussy eater – for the bad foods.” Today, Baxter follows the recipe plan from the Healthy Mummy and is obsessed with how good it all tastes.

“It is so amazing. Some recipes have me wondering how on earth it’s healthy. It’s all so easy, quick and delicious. I’m yet to find a recipe I dislike.” Her favourite meal is One Pot Spaghetti and her go-to snack is the Peanut Bubble Crunch. Eating more than she ever has before and having learned how to shake up her exercise routines thanks to Zumba, Crossfit and Beach Boot Camps, for Baxter it’s the Healthy Mummy Facebook group that makes the biggest difference. “I read it every day like the newspaper. The positivity, motivation and encouragem­ent is phenomenal.”

But it’s not just her weight that’s benefited – Baxter is happier than ever. “I’m such a positive, confident and supportive wife, mum and friend now. I’m no longer lurking in the depths of depression but riding life’s waves like Kelly damn Slater!”

 ??  ?? “My active life before the Healthy Mummy was walking from the couch to the refrigerat­or.”
“My active life before the Healthy Mummy was walking from the couch to the refrigerat­or.”
 ??  ?? “My parents have always eaten fruit and vegetables but we never had good portion control.” Keeping fit and healthy is important for the mum of one.
“My parents have always eaten fruit and vegetables but we never had good portion control.” Keeping fit and healthy is important for the mum of one.

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