The adored actress, mother and entreprene­ur discusses all things beauty


We’re excited Flower Beauty is in Australia. Can you tell us what inspired your brand? I had just come off of a six-year contract with Covergirl and had this amazing education in mass makeup. At the same time, I was approached by a major mass retailer in the US about bringing an exclusive brand to them, but they wanted an elevated experience as far as formulatio­ns, packaging, look and feel … so a prestige product at a mass price. I loved this idea and we jumped at it. Was it important for you to have it accessible to everyone? Absolutely. I thought, if we can truly figure out how to develop a prestige product at a mass price, then I wanted as many people as possible to have it. Do you remember falling in love with makeup as a child? I’ve been around makeup my whole life because of my job. I remember being fascinated by the power of it. These women would come into the hair and makeup trailer at 4 or 5am, sort of hunched over in their jackets or sweaters and then this transforma­tion would happen. They’d leave the trailer as different women … it was incredible for me. Do you feel any pressure raising two daughters? I think every mother feels some level of pressure. You just have to do the very best you can and lead by example. You can’t take away the pressures of everyday life or the world, but how you react to it all is completely up to you. What are your views on growing old gracefully in the spotlight? Everyone has their own journey and I totally respect people’s choices on ageing. For me, I want to take the more natural path. I love a good trip to the dermatolog­ist, don’t get me wrong, but beyond a good peel or laser treatment, I’m just gonna let nature take its course. Any past beauty disasters/looks that you regret? There really aren’t. I’ve done some crazy things, but I look back on those and think “you know what, that was fun, we had a blast doing that look … and it was different”. People have gotten so safe in this time of social media where the whole world is a critic … I would never let that stop me from trying new things. No regrets!

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