
Why do you think it’s so important to focus on eyebrows?

They frame the eyes and a lot of our expression comes from the brows, so having them done is key – people will be paying attention to them to read your face!

Have you had any brow disasters?

I wouldn’t say I’ve had any real big disasters, I’m grateful I never over-plucked, but I used to shade the inner part of the brows in quite heavily, which I cringe at now looking back at old photos, as it’s very harsh! Now I prefer to leave that part natural and fade it in.

Can you tell us about your collab with Benefit?

My kit with Benefit contains my favourite brow products to get my three key brow looks: a simple one-step brow, casual/ everyday brows, and a polished, chic brow.

How did you pick your favourite products?

The idea behind my Brow Wardrobe is layering, like you do with clothes. I pick my desired brow look based on the occasion or my mood, and layering products is key. I like a base colour to define the shape, so I knew immediatel­y that I’d want a versatile powder, a go-to pencil and a gel for more polished brows.

Top tips for applying product?

Start light and build up. If you apply too much in one go it’s harder to backtrack and fix mistakes. Layering! Use a powder, gel or pencil to get the shape and fill in any gaps. Sometimes I use powder in the front, for a soft look, and then add pencil or gel for the ends to get a full or defined arch and tail.

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