
According to Ayurveda – which means science of life – the basic elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth are the building blocks of all material existence, and keeping them in balance is the path to wellness. “Ayurveda explains nature as the best healer,” says Ayurvedic medicine doctor Ram Bhandari of Vibrant Ayurveda on the Gold Coast. “It treats the person as a whole and its

aim is to balance the integrity of a person’s physical body and life force.”

To create balance, you need to know your dosha – your body-mind constituti­on of energies – and this is best determined via a thorough examinatio­n by an Ayurvedic doctor. “An Ayurvedic doctor will not only examine your body, but will take an extensive personal and medical history, including questions about daily diet, profession and working conditions, exercise routines, relationsh­ips, and mental health,” says Bhandari. In short, Ayurveda looks at far more than your physical symptoms.

“A complete examinatio­n of your dosha includes pulse examinatio­n, tongue assessment, eye diagnosis and nail diagnosis,” he adds. “Based upon this assessment, a personalis­ed body-mind-spirit healthenha­ncing prescripti­on is formulated. This includes recommenda­tions for diet, exercise,

emotional healing, nutritiona­l and herbal supplement­s, and detox therapies.”

Paying attention to your daily natural rhythms and doing your best to manage your diet, sleep, work, exercise, family and social life is the key to living well and maintainin­g a healthy body.

If you don’t have time to visit an Ayurvedic practition­er, here are some basic characteri­stics of each dosha you can use to do a self-assessment.


There are three doshas: Pitta, Vata and Kapha and it’s believed that each of us has a dominant and secondary dosha, but we each contain aspects of all three. When your dosha is out of balance you’ll feel unwell or generally out of sorts.

According to Bhandari, knowing your dosha and creating a daily and seasonal routine that supports it can increase your health and vitality. Agni (digestive fire) is at the heart of Ayurvedic wellbeing, so “regardless of your dosha we are supposed to live according to the season”, he says.

PITTA BODY TYPE: Moderate build, moderate muscles, can be stocky IN BALANCE: Motivated, dynamic, creative OUT OF BALANCE: Insatiable appetite, anger, IBS FOODS FOR BALANCING EXCESS PITTA: Yoghurt, coriander, sweet fruit, broth FEELS BETTER WHEN: Lunch is the biggest meal, in cooler climates BHANDARI SAYS: “Treat Pitta with cooling drinks, refreshing aromas, relaxing music, romantic talk and laughter. Refrain from overwork, learn to de-stress and avoid unnecessar­y time pressure for yourself by scheduling some leisure time.”

VATA BODY TYPE: Thin frame, low body fat percentage IN BALANCE: Creative and flexible, enthusiast­ic OUT OF BALANCE:

Tendency to be anxious and lose appetite when stressed

FOODS FOR BALANCING EXCESS VATA: Warm and soft foods, oily dressings, smoothies FEELS BETTER WITH: Routine, plenty of rest BHANDARI SAYS: “Since Vata is light, cool and dry in nature, oil is one of the best remedies for managing vata dosha. Use it both internally and externally.”

KAPHA BODY TYPE: Holds water, prone to heaviness IN BALANCE: Stable, steady, good stamina OUT OF BALANCE: Has a tendency to get stuck in a rut and eats more when stressed FOODS FOR BALANCING EXCESS KAPHA: Light meals, lots of fruit/veg, dry foods, spices FEELS BETTER WHEN: Being active, rising early, avoiding daytime naps BHANDARI SAYS: “What works best for Kapha is variety. Since Kaphas have a tendency to get addicted or stuck in a rut, find ways to include novelty and excitement. This can be as simple as trying a new route to work or as elaborate as planning a holiday to a new destinatio­n.

It’s tempting to oversimpli­fy Ayurveda and box ourselves into one of the doshas, but the beauty of Ayurveda is we are a combinatio­n of all three. Without the input of a trained practition­er, it’s best to use your self-assessment as a guideline.

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 ??  ?? Pitta: Madonna
Pitta: Madonna
 ??  ?? Vata: Gwyneth Paltrow
Vata: Gwyneth Paltrow
 ??  ?? Kapha: Kate Winslet
Kapha: Kate Winslet

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