
The 39-year-old singer and style mogul – mum to daughter Maxwell, 7, son Ace, 6, and baby girl Birdie, 4 months, with husband Eric Johnson, 39 – opens up about motherhood and marriage as she works on her memoir, due out February 2020.

On baby Birdie:

She is a little smiley angel these days. She can roll over now! We are like a full-on cheering section when she is getting ready to roll – Maxi, Ace, Eric and I get so excited!

On having three young kids:

Three kids is no joke. They are all in such different phases right now. Maxwell is extremely social and loves animals. On the night of July 4, before going to sleep, she wanted to pray for each of our animals and the animals of our extended families and the animals of our friends. Ace is obsessed with sports, and Birdie is focused on milk and naps, so there is a lot of dividing and conquering going on right now.

On working out:

It’s not easy at all, but I am determined to feel good. I have been doing a lot of walking – getting my steps in helps me clear my head – and I am eating healthy, too. I discovered I really like cauliflowe­r. Who knew it could be a substitute for almost anything?!

On writing a memoir:

I am really proud of it. I think people will be surprised by a lot of what they will read.

On making time for date nights:

One night a week we try to download a movie and order dinner. We also do a lot of walks together. Eric is the greatest motivator.

 ??  ?? “I feel pretty good about 39,” says Simpson, whose birthday was Jul. 10. “On most days I feel like I have earned it.”
“I feel pretty good about 39,” says Simpson, whose birthday was Jul. 10. “On most days I feel like I have earned it.”
 ??  ?? Simpson and family in an Apr. 21 Instagram post.
Simpson and family in an Apr. 21 Instagram post.

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