
In The Affair’s Season 4 finale, Cole (Joshua Jackson) and his young daughter, Joanie, drove off into the sunset. When Joanie reappears in Season 5 (starts Sun., Sep. 1 at 8.30pm; Fox Showcase), she’s about 20 years older and played by Paquin, 37.

Were you a fan of The Affair before landing the part of Joanie?

I had seen and loved the first season, but I rarely have time to keep up with TV shows so I hadn’t seen the subsequent seasons. I did a full marathon of all the episodes when I was hired to make sure I fully understood the world of the show – it was helpful to get to know my on-screen parents as their characters and learn about Joanie’s childhood.

What can you tease about grown-up Joanie? She’s a coastal engineer and is, I think, appropriat­ely cynical about the prognosis of the planet from an environmen­tal standpoint. She ends up in Montauk on an assignment from work.

Is she like her mum or dad?

It’s pointed out to her in one of the early episodes that she’s inherited her father’s scowl. It’s very accurate and something

I really enjoyed playing. That’s all I’m really allowed to say.

In true Affair style, will we see her story from different perspectiv­es?

For the most part, no. I can’t expand too much upon that because I’d get into very dangerous spoiler territory!

How was working with series creator Sarah Treem?

Sarah was pretty much the reason I wanted to do the show. She’s a phenomenal talent. I mean, it’s an amazing cast and everyone else behind the camera who create this show are wonderful. TV-making is very much a team sport, but Sarah is the rock star. The way she portrays women as complex, flawed, intelligen­t humans who exist in moral shades of grey

– the way men have always been allowed to – was very exciting to me as a performer. It was also such an honour to work on her debut as a director in the series finale. She’s a brilliant director.

 ??  ?? Paquin will next be seen on the big screen in Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman.
Paquin will next be seen on the big screen in Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman.

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