
Is it just us, or does Kourtney Kardashian look more and more amazing every day? While on a cheeky getaway to Turks and Caicos with her sisters recently, the newly loved-up reality star shared plenty of sexy new snaps showing off her lithe figure – and why wouldn’t she? The mum-of-three works hard for her incredible physique!

So what’s the entreprene­ur’s trick to looking fabulous and fit at 41? In a nutshell, “consistent workouts and clean eating”, she shared on her website Poosh – making it sound so easy!

Kardashian has long been a fan of a dairy-free, organic eating plan, but lately she’s been adopting a more plant-based diet, following in the footsteps of sister Kim and admitting her vegan diet is “rubbing off on me”. That’s not to say she’s gone completely vegetarian, though – her favourite lunch right now is a pick-and-mix platter made up of a toasted turkey sandwich and a selection of healthy sides: Organic pickles (or cucumber if she runs out!), avocado slices with a drizzle of olive oil and pinch of salt and pepper, and a fresh tangerine from her own tree. “I love my lunch!” she shared.

It’s not all strict diets and denying herself for the eldest Kardashian sister, though. “A healthy lifestyle requires balance – allowing yourself to hit the snooze button when you really need it, skipping the gym for quality time with friends, and of course cheat days,” she wrote on Poosh. “Indulging every once in a while is self-care. Whether you follow a strict diet or not, we all deserve days off. No guilt and no boundaries.”

For Kardashian, that means treating herself “twice a day with a little something sweet after lunch and dinner”.

Of course, there’s no question that this wonder woman works hard in the gym, too. “HIIT workouts are really what made the biggest difference,” she has shared of losing weight in the past. “It’s hard at first, but I noticed once I became used to that sort of intensity, I craved it.” It’s a workout style she’s continued over the years, incorporat­ing strength training and “killer cardio”, she says – “like jump roping for 10 minutes straight. I know that may not sound like much, but have you ever tried it? It’s intense.”

The reality queen also has one trick for looking fab 24/7 that’s easier than anything else! “Good posture, like standing tall and keeping your chin up,” Kardashian shares. “[It] not only makes you look good, it also makes you feel more confident.”

 ??  ?? The mum-ofthree had fans in awe with this incredible snap of her bikini body.
The mum-ofthree had fans in awe with this incredible snap of her bikini body.
 ??  ?? It may not look like it, but Kourt insists she has regular “cheat days”.
The reality star combines healthy eating and regular workouts to keep her body in shape.
It may not look like it, but Kourt insists she has regular “cheat days”. The reality star combines healthy eating and regular workouts to keep her body in shape.

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