Woman’s Day (Australia)

Craft Steal Prince George’s style!

Create the cheeky Prince’s supercute jumper for your little one, with our easy-to-follow pattern



(Make both alike) Using 4mm needles and two strands of MC tog*, cast on 61 (67-73-77-83) sts. Beg Rib - 1st row (RS) - K2, * P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1. 2nd row - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end. Rep 1st and 2nd rows until work measures 3 (4-4-5-5) cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row. Beg stripes Do not break off yarn when changing colours, instead carry colour not in use loosely up side of work until required again. Using two strands of MC to tog, knit 2 rows garter st. U Using 2 strands of CC tog, knit 2 rows garter st. Last 4 rows form garter s st stripes. Co Cont in stripes until work meas measures 26 (29-32-34-35) cm f from beg,b working last row on WS. Shape armholes Keeping stripes correct, cast off 3 (4-4-4-5) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 55 (59-65-6973) sts. Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll alt row until 49 (53-57-61-65) sts rem. Cont in stripes without shaping until armhole measures 9 (10-11-1213) cm, working last row on WS. Shape neck Next row (RS) - K19 (20-21-23-25), turn. ** Cont on these 19 (20-21-23-25) sts and dec one st at neck edge in every row until 13 (14-15-16-17) sts rem. Cont in stripes without shaping until armhole measures 14 (15-1618-19) cm, working last row on WS. Shape shoulder Cast off 4 (5-5-5-6) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 5 (4-5-6-5) sts. ** Slip next 11 (13-15-1515) sts onto stitch-holder and leave. With RS facing, join yarns to rem sts and knit to end. Rep from ** to **, working 1 row more before shoulder shaping.


Using 4mm needles and two strands of MC tog, cast on 33 (35-35-37-39) sts. Beg Rib - Work in rib as for lower band of Back and Front until work measures 3 (4-4-5-5) cm from beg,

ending with a 2nd row. Beg Stripes - Work 4 rows in garter st stripes as for Back and Front. Cont in garter st stripes, inc one st at each end of next row, then in every foll 8th (10th-12th-14th-14th) row until there are 47 (49-51-53-55) sts. Cont in stripes without shaping until work measures approx 23 (28-33-38-40) cm from beg, ending with same stripe row on WS as for Back and Front to beg of armhole shaping. Shape top Keeping stripes correct, cast off 2 (2-2-2-3) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 43 (4547-49-49) sts. Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll alt (alt-alt-4th-4th) row until 15 (15-15-41-39) sts rem. Then (8 and 10 years only) every foll alt row until 17 sts rem. All Sizes - Work 1 row. Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Cast off rem 7 (7-7-9-9) sts.


Using mattress st, join right shoulder seam. With RS facing, using 4mm needles and two strands of MC tog, knit up 16 (16-16-18-18) sts evenly along left front neck, knit across sts from front stitch-holder, knit up 16 (1616-18-18) sts evenly along right front neck, 16 (16-16-18-18) sts evenly along right back neck, knit across sts from back stitch-holder - dec one st in centre, then knit up 16 (16-16-18-18) sts evenly along left back neck … 85 (89-93-101-101) sts. Work 5 rows rib as for lower band of Back and Front, beg with a 2nd row. Cast off loosely in rib.


Do not press. Using mattress st, join left shoulder and Neckband seam. Join side and Sleeve seams, matchingg stripes. Sew in Sleeves.

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