Woman’s Day (Australia)

We keep cheating death! Heart patient mum and daughter

Matilda and her mum both struggle with heart disease


Matilda Williams isn’t shy about bringing up her heart problem. In fact, the brave youngster, who turns seven this week, boasts about it.

“She loves talking about her scars and making it a bit of a competitio­n between us,” says mum Holly, 32, who, like Matilda, has had multiple operations in her fight against heart disease.

Between them, the inspiring pair have faced 18 surgeries. But Holly says her condition – her heart beats dangerousl­y fast – is nothing compared to what her daughter’s been through.

Matilda was born six weeks early, and Holly knew from the start something was wrong. “She wasn’t a nice pink baby – she slept all the time and struggled to put on weight,” she recalls.

Matilda was admitted to hospital at nine months, where she spent another six before she was strong enough to undergo open-heart surgery. She’s had several further operations since then, and will require more as she grows.

Helping others

Brisbane mum-of-three Holly controlled her heart condition with medication since her diagnosis at 17, but the stress of caring for Matilda meant she forgot to look after herself.

“I passed out in the car one day and ran off the road,” she says.

She was taken to hospital, and underwent her first heart surgery. Six more operations followed in the next six months, and she is now reliant on a pacemaker.

Holly’s firsthand experience of heart disease led her to take a job as CEO of Heartkids Qld (heartkids.org.au), a charity that provides support to the families of children with cardiovasc­ular problems.

“I have huge respect for my daughter and other kids who’ve gone through this,” she says. “She’s a tough kid and I’m very proud of her.”

‘She loves talking about her scars and making it a competitio­n!’

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