Woman’s Day (Australia)

Roxy Jacenko ‘I’ll beat this’

The former Celebrity Apprentice star is fighting back against breast cancerer


Roxy Jacenko is living a nightmare. In just three weeks the successful publicist has seen her husband Oliver Curtis jailed for insider trading and been rocked by a shock breast cancer diagnosis – the same disease that almost claimed her mum 10 years ago.

“I remember vividly Mum’s treatment, and what a strain it put on her,” Roxy tells Woman’s Day exclusivel­y. The 36-year-old discovered the lump two weeks ago while taking a shower at home in Bondi, Sydney.

The glamorous mum-of-two was told she’d need an operation to remove the lump and surroundin­g tissue, along with one lymph node for testing – then all nodes if they tested positive.

But the tumour was bigger than doctors expected, and now Roxy faces a waiting game while tests are done to determine her treatment.

Roxy’s mum Doreen Davis avis had a mastectomy a decade ago,go, and has been by her daughter’s r’s side to provide love and support.ort.

“She’ll tackle this head on, as she does with everything,, exactly as I did 10 years ago,” sayss Doreen.

Strength and visionn

Roxy can still recall her mother’s strength during cancer treatment.atment. “She was running a garment ment manufactur­ingturing business.. As an owner-operator, perator, time off wasn’t an option. It t was sit at work with h drains in and get on with it.

“If anything, thing, her strength and determinat­ion tion gives me a clear vision of the fact that most things are solvable – she did d it [beat cancer], and so will I.”

Roxy has followed her mum’s courageous approach to cancer. It’s business as usual, running herr three companies between doctors’ s’ appointmen­ts and caring for her t two children, four-year-old Pixie, a and Hunter, two.

“It’s one helluva juggle,” admits R Roxy, who had to break the news a about her diagnosis to Oliver, 30, d during a six-minute phonecall to P Parklea Correction­al Centre.

She also decided she had to e explain the situation to little Pixie. ““I can’t go home with cuts on me a and lie. I had to tell her,” she says.

Her brave girl has been by Roxy’s s s side since, holding her hand as she e s sleeps to let Mum know she’s there. e.

‘Most things are solvable… Mum beat cancer and so will I’

 ??  ?? Roxy is still waiting for test results. Left, with her mum Doreen.
Roxy is still waiting for test results. Left, with her mum Doreen.

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