Woman’s Day (Australia)


Amanda De Warren speaks to Bev’s cat Dexter George


AMANDA SAYS Dexter George tells me he passed over at the age of 14. He is vocal and shows me different meows for different things. He has his own language and Bev knew each sound.

Dexter was with the family all of his life, but had only been with Bev since he was about eight – he belonged to Bev’s daughter before that. He tells me he’s been gone for several months and it was very quick. He shows me massive, aggressive tumours on his neck and in his throat.

He absolutely loved travelling in the caravan and visited a lot of places. He says when he lived with Bev’s daughter, he wandered away and was found nearly 2km from home. Bev’s dad, who informs me he’s been gone since she was just two, comes through. He has with him a ginger and white cat that Bev’s uncle gave her many years ago. Dexter says he had his own little paradise of long grass in the backyard and he’s now buried there. He has a very strong personalit­y. Finally, he tells me he’s often on Bev’s bed – which Bev says she can feel – and still follows his daddy around just as he always did.

BEV SAYS We lost our beautiful boy earlier this year and just wanted to know if he was OK. I was surprised when Amanda picked up on the fact Dexter was strong-willed. However, I wasn’t expecting her to be able to tell me he’s happy that he’s buried in his favourite spot, and that he’s with my dad. I’m very pleased with the reading – I feel so much better knowing Dexter is happy to be in the company of my father.

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