Woman’s Day (Australia)

Your destiny Stars & psychics

Australia’s most trusted celebrity medium Mitchell Coombes responds to your concerns


I’m 29 years old and my mother passed away three months ago. I can’t feel her around me, but dream of her often. My mum was everything to me. Will she help me on my journey through life?

Heartbroke­n Daughter I have a beautiful lady here who says she’s your mother. She’s very much around you and tells me how proud she is of you. The dreams you’ve had of your mum are more than just dreams, they’re special visits she’s making to you from heaven. Your mum says, “I love you to the moon and back.” She tells me you have a wonderful life ahead of you and she will always be by your side.

I’m very worried about my youngest son. He seems to have lost his way. Will he be OK, particular­ly regarding his health and future employment? Concerned

Please don’t worry about your son. As this year goes on, I can see him becoming more his own person. He will be OK and go on to find his way in life. There’ll be a new opportunit­y for him on the job front around late November. Rest assured he has a bright future ahead of him.

There are some odd messages on my husband’s phone. “It’s not what you think,” he says to me. Is it what I think? Or is it what he says?

Suspicious I need to answer your question in two parts. Your husband is telling you the truth when he says, “It’s not what you think.” But he is withholdin­g something and not telling you the whole story. When all is said and done, you’ll get to the bottom of this.

I’m 65. My husband took his own life five years ago. I’ve met a man who’s three years older than me and I really like him. I don’t want to marry again, but I’d love a friend to enjoy life with. Is he the right person? If not, will I ever find anyone?

Desperate The man you’ve met has been guided into your life for a special reason. He’s a gentle person who’d make a wonderful companion. If you do choose to continue your friendship with him, it will become more and you’ll create many happy memories together. Your husband says he’s sorry for leaving you the way he did. His wish for you is to find love again. He will always watch over you.

I put my health issues aside to take care of my mum. Since her passing, I’ve felt a terrible depression. I’m dealing with her estate and being sued by my siblings. I’m at the end of my rope. Will things work out?

Anonymous Your mum’s a kind and caring soul. She’s very protective of you. She’s been placing a hand on your left shoulder to let you know she’s watching over you from the spirit world. I’m told a peaceful resolution tion can be reached with your siblings through some mediation sessions. It’s not worth going to court. Please put yourself first and take care of you.

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