Woman’s Day (Australia)

Robyn Stephens: ‘I started the famous Dunny Derby!’


With towns across Australia rapidly disappeari­ng due to drought and abandonmen­t, Robyn Stephens has worked tirelessly to ensure her remote hometown of Winton, Queensland, stays on the map.

Since 1991, Robyn has run the Australian Dunny Derby, an event that sees contestant­s race a dunny – or outhouse – on wheels in a bid to see whose customdeco­rated loo is fastest.

The race is part of the town’s Outback Festival, held every two years. It has steadily gained popularity, bringing thousands of tourist dollars to Winton.

“It’s hilarious to watch and exciting to see the creative names and designs the teams come up with,” says Robyn, who has been secretary of the Festival for more than three decades.

“One year we had a group who dressed up as Harry Potter, and they called themselves Harry’s Potty. We had car enthusiast­s call their team Plop Gear, and another time we had Brave Fart!”

The festival – which started in the ’70s to help boost the town’s economy – boasts a mix of events from an ironman race to whipcracki­ng and cycling. But its headline event is all thanks to Robyn’s creative thinking.

“I wanted to do something different and unique, so I thought why don’t we put dunnies on wheels and race them?! It’s been a hit ever since,” says Robyn, who received a Medal of the Order of Australia for her long service to the community.

Now the race is so popular it draws spectators and competitor­s from all over the world, and generates enough profit to allow the town’s 900 inhabitant­s to stay afloat in the tough times.

“We’ve been suffering with the drought for three years and it’s damaged our community. But the money and traction has helped lessen the devastatio­n and allowed us to rebuild. I couldn’t be more proud of our success,” says Robyn. The Outback Festival Winton runs September 19-23, 2017.

‘We’ve had teams called Harry’s Potty, Plop Gear and Brave Fart!’

 ??  ?? Robyn was awarded an OAM in 2002.
Robyn was awarded an OAM in 2002.

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