Woman's Day (Australia)


JULIA SLAMS KATE: They’re Hollywood’s hottest new couple – but Julia clearly doesn’t approve


Ask any of Brad Pitt’s friends what they think of his relationsh­ip with actress Kate Hudson and they’ll tell you they couldn’t be more thrilled for him.

After Brad’s bitter split from his wife Angelina Jolie in September last year, the handsome actor has found happiness and the desire to move on thanks to his stunning new girlfriend. And his mates are delighted to see him in the arms of a woman who adores him and showers him with support.

But there’s one person – a Hollywood heavyweigh­t and one of Brad’s oldest confidants – who is far from impressed.

Oscar winner Julia Roberts is said to be seething that 37-yearold Kate has won Brad’s heart so quickly. The Pretty Woman star, 49, has been extremely close to Brad for years, but insiders say she’s always hoped the pair might one day be more than friends.

It comes as Julia’s marriage to her cameraman husband Danny Moder, 48, is thought to be at breaking point, with Woman’s Day revealing just last month that Julia has been consulting divorce lawyers.

“Julia is furious Kate has just waltzed in and snatched up Brad in a matter of months,” an insider tells us exclusivel­y. “She doesn’t think Kate is good enough for Brad – and there’s a part of her that wants him for herself.”

Indeed, it was Julia who rushed to 53-year-old Brad’s side when Ange, 41, blindsided him with the divorce and ignited a bitter custody battle for the couple’s six children – Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and eight-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox. “Brad poured out his heart to Julia,” our source says. “He knew she’d be there for him and, as predicted, she dropped everything to be by his side.”

After nearly two months in hiding following his divorce announceme­nt, Brad needed support when he stepped out for the first time last November – and it was loyal, loving Julia who was there to help him through the tough times.

There were rumours the pair may have taken their friendship to the next level, but they werere quickly put to bed when Brad’sd’s steamy relationsh­ip with Kate e– – who has sons Ryder, 13, and five-year-old Bingham – was revealed soon afterwards.

Much to Julia’s dismay, Brad’s newfound romance wasn’t just a meaningles­s fling, and insiders say it’s now full steam ahead for the leading man and carefree e Kate. In January, friends let slip lip Brad was preparing to move into Kate’s LA mansion after meeting her 71-year-old actress mum Goldie Hawn.

“They both share the same low-key vibe,” a source says of the happy couple. “Brad looks better than he has done in years and it’s all thanks to Kate.”

But Julia still holds out hope Brad might change his mind.

“Julia has always adored Brad and sees him as someone who could take Danny’s place, if they do end up splitting,” another friend says, adding the actress now believes her 14-year marriage is past repair.

“The only thing that’s been keeping her and Danny together is their kids, but even that isn’t working anymore.

“Julia has been trying to poison Brad’s mind about Kate saying how she likes to flirt with one man after the next,” the source claims.

“Even if she can’t have Brad for herself, Julia would hate to see him get hurt, and she fears he’s making the wrong choice by moving on so quickly.”

 ??  ?? Julia’s marriage to Danny Moder has been on the rocks some time.
Julia’s marriage to Danny Moder has been on the rocks some time.
 ??  ?? The actress was there for a gauntlooki­ng Brad at his first appearance since his messy split with Angelina.
The actress was there for a gauntlooki­ng Brad at his first appearance since his messy split with Angelina.
 ??  ?? The pair grew close while filming 2001 movie The Mexican.
The pair grew close while filming 2001 movie The Mexican.
 ??  ?? Insiders say Julia has always wanted to be more than Brad’s co-star...
Insiders say Julia has always wanted to be more than Brad’s co-star...

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