Woman's Day (Australia)

George & Amal’s luxe $3 million nursery

A life of pure luxury awaits the A-list couple’s twins


Once upon a time in the British countrysid­e, a little prince and princess were born into a fairytale life of luxury. They played with designer toys, slept in hand-crafted cribs and bore the surname Clooney… and everyone lived happily ever after.

They mightn’t be real royalty, but George and Amal Clooney’s unborn twins will be the closest thing Hollywood has to a prince and princess. And you can bet they’ll live a lavish life beyond the imaginatio­n – and financial reach – of just about any other children on the planet.

Woman’s Day can reveal highprofil­e human rights lawyer Amal, 39, whose pregnancy was confirmed last week, has selected the Aston Martin of prams – the Silver Cross, a favourite with the royal family. The limited edition is so exclusive there are currently only 800 on the market, retailing at a measly $3900 each.

She’s also believed to be very keen on gold-and-silver-panelled cribs by AFK Cherubini, worth $5700 each, and a lovely Gucci changing bag that costs more than $1600.

Our source says Amal’s other half, 55-year-old actor George, who is worth an estimated $325 million, is completely in support of his wife’s desire to ensure their kids enjoy the best of everything.

It’s difficult to comprehend the incredible privilege bestowed upon the Clooney twins – last week confirmed to be a boy and a girl – before they even take their first breath. But as preparatio­ns for their nursery are apparently underway, it’s safe to assume their not-so-little sanctuary will look like it’s straight from the pages of a glossy magazine.

George and Amal’s latest spending spree on behalf of their unborn bubs will push their annual living expenses beyond $3.3 million. They’ll be splashing more cash than usual on extrara se security (estimated at $1.3 million), at least four nannies ($453,000), and a specialty chef to source and prepare delicious baby-suitable meals ($90,000).

We’re told the couple want to be sure they can travel with ease – even with their newborns in tow – between their properties around the world, pushing up their private jet costs to about $1.5 million. It’s thought they’ll be dividing their time between their $64 million Italian villa in Lake Como, George’s $3.6 million LA property, and their mansion in the British countrysid­e, which is thought to be worth $16 million.

They might have all the finest things money can buy, but we’re told the Clooneys also want to teach their kids about family traditions, and it’s understood Amal will bathe the twins in an old ceramic bucket she was given by her great-grandmothe­r.

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