Woman's Day (Australia)

Karl & Jasmine

Their Aussie reunion


Karl Stefanovic’s new love, Jasmine Yarbrough, has jetted into Sydney and straight into his arms. After Woman’s Day broke the news the couple have been dating since December, friends say Karl, 42, and Jasmine, 33, couldn’t wait any longer to be together.

Rather than hold off until April, when she’d planned to fly home for the wedding of Karl’s brother Peter, Jasmine arrived in Sydney last week after the pair decided they needed to be side by side – and out in public – now.

Our source says the pair have also pressed fast forward on their plans to introduce Jasmine to Karl’s family and friends.

“Jasmine plans to meet Karl’s family and get closer to them over the next month while she’s in Australia,” confides a family friend. “Families from both sides have been very supportive and accepting of the relationsh­ip.

“All her friends in LA are supportive of her and Karl,” the friend adds. “They both deserve happiness – and that’s exactly what they give each other.”

Karl and Jasmine are so committed to each other, they’re even looking for a place to rent together in Sydney.

The smitten Today host is so serious about Jasmine that he’s now ready to introduce her to his children, Jackson, 17, Ava, 11, and 10-yearold River.

It’s a huge step, given his fairly recent split from their mum, Cassandra Thorburn, 45 – but Karl knows if anyone can win them over, it’s Jasmine.

“Jasmine is a generous, fun-loving, down-to-earth Aussie girl. Karl knows his kids will love her if they’re able to give her a chance,” says our source.

“Her parents have the model marriage and that’s very important for Jasmine. She’d never do anything to intentiona­lly rock the boat.

“Jasmine is at the point in her life where she’s looking for her ‘happy ever after’, and hopefully Karl’s the answer.”

‘Jasmine plans to meet Karl’s family while she’s in Australia’

 ??  ?? Karl has been renting a house in Sydney’s Cremorne. The morning show host is ready to take the next step in his relationsh­ip.
Karl has been renting a house in Sydney’s Cremorne. The morning show host is ready to take the next step in his relationsh­ip.

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