Woman's Day (Australia)

Marilyn Monroe Baby bombshell


Fifty-five years after the death of the iconic pin-up, it has been sensationa­lly alleged that Marilyn Monroe fell pregnant to a married co-star.

Never-before-seen photos showing Marilyn in what appears to be the early stages of pregnancy have rocked fans around the world.

The colour slides were taken in July 1960 when Marilyn, then aged 34, was filming The Misfits at Fox Studios in New York. She died two years later at just 36.

Although she was married to playwright Arthur Miller at the time of the photos, it’s claimed Italian-French actor Yves Montand was the father of the baby, which she tragically lost months later.

The explosive revelation­s came to light when the six jaw-dropping photos indicating a pregnancy were released by American man Tony Michaels. He paid $2900 for them in a November 2016 auction of Marilyn memorabili­a owned

‘The father of the unborn child was Yves Montand’

by the film icon’s close friend Frieda Hull.

She was one of the “Monroe Six”, a group of fans who developed a friendship with the star as they followed her around the country, photograph­ing her.

Before Frieda died in 2014, she told Tony – her next-door neighbour – many anecdotes about Marilyn, including the bombshell secret that the legend had been carrying Yves’ baby.

While the affair between Marilyn and Yves, who died in 1991, has been noted before, this is the first time a pregnancy has been mentioned.

The famous pair met while costarring in the 1960 film Let’s Make Love. During the shoot, Marilyn and Arthur stayed in a luxury

bungalow in Beverly Hills, while Yves and his wife, actress Simone Signoret, next door.

“Frieda told me the father of her unborn child was Yves Montand,” Tony recalls. “She told me Arthur got called away and Yves’ wife got called away, and they stayed together in a Beverly Hills Hotel bungalow and they had an affair.”

After filming wrapped, Marilyn began shooting The Misfits, the film Arthur wrote for her. It was during this period that she was hospitalis­ed for 10 days, for acute exhaustion.

“Frieda believed it wasn’t exhaustion that landed her in hospital – she said it was a nervous breakdown and she lost her baby,” says Tony.

“And all she told me was that Marilyn has lost the baby. It was never made clear whether that was by way of a miscarriag­e or even an abortion, and I never thought to press her on it.”

Marilyn’s battles with fertility are well documented. It’s believed the beautiful screen legend, who suffered from endometrio­sis, had three miscarriag­es prior to this pregnancy.

The news of a secret baby is tantalisin­g for Marilyn historians. But with both Marilyn and Frieda dead, there’s no way to know for sure whether Tony’s claims are in fact correct.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? It’s said Marilyn fell pregnant at 34, two years before her death. It’s thought Marilyn fell pregnant to her Let’s Make Love co-star Yves. Both actors were married at the time of their alleged affair. Taken in July 1960, the photos only resurfaced when...
It’s said Marilyn fell pregnant at 34, two years before her death. It’s thought Marilyn fell pregnant to her Let’s Make Love co-star Yves. Both actors were married at the time of their alleged affair. Taken in July 1960, the photos only resurfaced when...
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Tony bought the slides taken by his neighbour Frieda, who told him the star’s secret.
Tony bought the slides taken by his neighbour Frieda, who told him the star’s secret.

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