Woman's Day (Australia)

Your destiny

Stars & psychics


My wife left me for another man she has since married. I only see our children every other weekend now. What was once a supportive friendship between us has turned nasty. Do you see any reconcilia­tion, of our friendship at least? Will I ever get a 50/50 care arrangemen­t with our kids?

Unsure You’ll reach mutual ground with your ex for the sake of your children, but I’m afraid she’s not looking for friendship. When she left it was a difficult time for you emotionall­y, and on some level I feel you’re still healing from this. I’m told that very soon you’ll have a sudden breakthrou­gh with your shared care arrangemen­t, and you’ll spend more equal time with your children. Your efforts will pay off. I sense there’s a much happier path ahead for you in life, and you’ll find love again.

I’d like to know how my son is. He passed away in 2014 and I still miss him so much. I cry every day for him. I never said goodbye, only good night.

Sad mum Your beautiful son in the spirit world comes with so much love for you. He tells me he’s happy and that he’s made many new friends there. When he passed, he closed his eyes and went to sleep, and then found himself on the other side. He tells me that you kissed him on the forehead. He wants you to know that he heard everything you whispered to him after he passed. I feel your son will visit you in your dreams, and when you see dragonflie­s, this is a special sign of love from him in heaven. My husband has returned to work after having a pacemaker fitted. He thinks

his employer is going to ease him out of his job. I’m feeling lost in my career as well. What do you see for our health and financial future? Also, will we get citizenshi­p?

Aquarius Your husband’s suspicion about his boss’s motives is correct, but I don’t feel he’ll be eased out of his job for some time yet. When he’s let go, there will be a much better-suited career opportunit­y on the horizon for him. Health-wise, I’m getting that your husband is a resilient man, and you’ll have financial security together in the future. Your career focus will become clearer from June. There may be initial delays when it comes to getting Australian citizenshi­p, but you’ll get there.

Should I go to be with my friend in the Philippine­s? I feel she’s my soul mate. How are my wife and youngest daughter, who’ve passed over?

PC I’m sensing spiritual forces have kept you away from your friend in the Philippine­s for a higher reason. Your wife and daughter come through together from the spirit world. Your wife tells me she’ll be sending the right companion into your life, who will love you as much as she does. I’m told this lady is someone you haven’t met, , and you’lly create happy memories together. r. She has light brown hair and you’ll be drawn to her eyes. Your daughter will visit you in dreams. Upstairs will keep watch over you always.

Write to Mitchell Coombes at Woman’s Day, GPO Box 5245, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email womansday@bauer-media.com.au Please keep questions under 80 words. Sorry, no personal replies.

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