Woman's Day (Australia)

Nicole Her surrogate joy

The Aussie actress wants to be completely open with her youngest daughter writes ERIN HOLOHAN


She’s admitted to being “intensely emotional” about parenting her children. And Nicole Kidman’s decision to introduce her daughter Faith – who was born thanks to a surrogate – to the woman who carried her is thought to have followed months of careful deliberati­on.

Woman’s Day has learned 49year-old Nicole recently set up a meet-and-greet with the woman who carried Faith six years ago.

Insiders reveal the touching introducti­on took place at Nicole and husband Keith Urban’s home in Nashville, where Faith, now six, feels most confident and relaxed.

“It was incredibly emotional,” a source close to the actress tells Woman’s Day exclusivel­y. “Nic and her surrogate had difficulty holding back tears. Faith wasn’t fazed by it at all, but she did ask lots of questions afterwards.”

It’s thought the meeting came about after Nicole engaged in months of soul-searching while she filmed Lion, in which she plays the adoptive mother of a young boy looking to discover wh where he came from.

““Nicole and Keith have never shi shied away from telling Faith she was carried by a surrogate, but because she is still very young the subject has rarely come up,” says our source. “Now Faith is growing up, she’s getting more and more curious about the world, so they thought it’d be a good idea to gently introduce her to the woman who carried her before she got much older.

“It would’ve been impossible for them to hide the surrogacy from Faith anyway, given it’s all out there on the internet.”

Nicole’s surrogate lives close to the family’s house in Nashville, and she and Nicole have stayed in touch since Faith was born, even bumping into one another from time to time.

While Nicole carried Faith’s sister Sunday eight years ago, she and musician Keith, 49, later turned to a surrogate to add to their family, given the actress’s struggles with fertility.

It’s believed the woman wasn’t prepared to carry another child after Faith – she also has children of her own – but she’s always been keen to be part of their lives and watch their little girl grow.

Keith was in complete support of the meeting, but he was busy in the studio when Nicole invited

Faith’s surrogate over for an hour.

The mystery woman – who Faith now fondly calls “Aunty Sheila” – even gifted the little girl a teddy bear.

Going forward, Nicole’s making plans to invite Aunty Sheila over for lunch with her, Keith and their girls every now and then.

“Her own children aren’t too different in age from Faith and Sunday,” our insider reveals. “So it should make for a very relaxed gathering.”

One thing Nicole is extremely mindful of is going too fast.

“Nic and the woman are just trying to take things one step at a time. They both lead their own lives, so I don’t think they’re about to become best friends,” our source adds. “But they are forever tied together by Faith.”

While Aunty Sheila has made it clear she’s not in a position to be a surrogate again, Nicole hasn’t given up hope of having another child. Her character in Lion has encouraged her to reflect on how important motherhood is, and she’s revealed she would love to fall pregnant one last time.

“I still have the faintest hope that something may happen to me this year,” she said in January. “Keith and I would love to have more babies. My grandmothe­r gave birth to my mother at 49. I would be beyond eyond happy and just welcome it with open arms.”

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