Woman’s Day (Australia)




1 ¾ cups bread flour

2 eggs

⅓ cup warm water

2 tbsp caster sugar

2 tbsp cocoa

7g sachet dried yeast

½ tsp sea-salt flakes

75g butter, softened oil, for deep frying

200g dark chocolate, melted, cooled gold and silver edible sprinkles, to decorate


2 cups milk 2 tbsp cocoa

⅓ cup caster sugar

2 tbsp plain flour

3 egg yolks

15g butter

1 In an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook or strong paddle, combine flour, eggs, water, sugar, cocoa, yeast and salt. Mix on low. Knead on medium 4-5 minutes.

2 With motor running, add butter, 1 cube at a time, kneading between each addition until dough is smooth and shiny (takes 5 minutes). Transfer to a lightly greased bowl and set aside, covered, 1 hour until doubled.

3 CHOCOLATE CUSTARD In a saucepan, heat milk and cocoa on low, until hot. In a bowl, whisk sugar, flour and yolks until smooth. Whisk ⅟₂ cup hot milk mixture into egg mixture. Whisk egg mixture into remaining milk mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, on medium heat until boiling. Reduce heat to low and simmer 3 minutes. Transfer to a bowl. Cover top of custard with plastic wrap. Chill 1 hour.

4 Knock back dough with fist. Knead until smooth. Roll two tsps dough into a ball. Place onn a lined oven tray. Repeat with remaining dough. Set aside, covered, 40 minutes.

5 In a heavy-based saucepan, heat oil until a piece of dough sizzles when added (180°C). Cook balls in 4 batches, 1 minutete each, turning. Drain and cool. 6 Pierce each with a small knife. fe. Pipe in custard using a piping bag with a 0.5cm nozzle. Top with chocolate and sprinkles. Chill 10 minutes, then serve.

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