Woman’s Day (Australia)

Ask Mitchell

Australia’s most trusted celebrity medium Mitchell Coombes responds to your concerns

- Write to Mitchell Coombes at Woman’s Day, GPO Box 5245, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email womansday@bauer-media.com.au Please keep questions under 80 words. Sorry, no personal replies.


My partner has become very moody. He’s snapping at me for minor things and seems happier when he’s around other people. Should I confront him and ask what the problem is? Does he have feelings for someone else?

Unsure I don’t believe your partner has feelings for somebody else. I feel his current moodiness is somehow connected to his place of work. He doesn’t seem as happy there as he once was. Do your best to encourage him to open up to you. You must give the situation time to improve because it certainly can get better.


I lost my husband in 2004. Could you tell me how he is? He was extremely ill when he passed. I’ve battled on for 13 years, but I still miss him terribly. Devastated Your beautiful husband comes through straight away. He tells me he loves you more than words can describe. The illness took all the strength he had, but he says he feels like he’s back to his old self again. He’s also met up with some old friends. Your husband wants you to know things will get much better within a year, and that he has never left you. He considers himself your guardian angel.


I’ve tried many things to get over being separated from my two daughters. I know all things come to pass with patience. I have been told to let the girls go – we’re just too different. But the torment lies in wondering if I should do something about it. My youngest’s whereabout­s are unknown. Are you able to cast some light? Anxious

I feel you are an old soul and have been here before. This is why you’ve had difficulti­es to overcome in the past. The spirit world tells me there’s nothing more you need to do – you have already done everything in your power. Your youngest daughter is very stubborn, but I feel your eldest daughter will have a change of heart and come back into your life down the track. I feel you have a lot of happiness coming your way.


When my adoptive parents passed, I was excluded from their wills and estate. My only sister was the beneficiar­y and I was left homeless and in poverty. When my sister passed, she also excluded me from her will. Her husband now lives in my parents’ home in absolute luxury. Was this my ‘destiny’? Or was my sister just too greedy and heartless?

Lost Your adoptive parents come through with so much love for you, and they are apologisin­g for what has happened since they left. They want you to know they did not forget about you – they honestly thought your sister would do the right thing and share their wealth with you. Your sister is also apologisin­g and telling me she is trying her best to put things right for you from the spirit world.rld. I keep feeling things will improve for youu in the near future. A voice from upstairs clearly says, “You can look forward to a small windfall.” Please don’t give up.

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