Woman’s Day (Australia)


Meet the amazing midwife


Their $1.3m hospital bill

George: ‘I’m so in love!’

It’s taken him almost 56 years to realise he wants children, and with his wife Amal perhaps just days from going into labour, George Clooney is brimming with excitement.

Together with his stunning wife, the actor is anxiously awaiting the birth of his twins – confirmed by his mum Nina and the couple’s good friend Cindy Crawford to be a boy and a girl! And he couldn’t be more delighted to finally be experienci­ng the pure joy fatherhood has brought so many of his Hollywood mates.

With Amal, 39, in her final trimester and calling it a day as far as her work commitment­s are concerned, George has the couple’s hospital bags packed and ready to go.

Knowing full well the chances s of an early labour are higher when it comes to multiple births,s, he’s leaving nothing to chance, and he’s set about ensuring the couple are completely prepared for the arrival of the adorable baby Clooneys.

What’s more, as George and Amal make the most of their finalal days together before becoming parents – relaxing with long walks on their estate in the English countrysid­e – Woman’s Day has learned he’s sparing no expense to ensure his twins’ arrival into the world is absolutely perfect. We’re told George has dug deep to provide Amal with the most luxurious delivery experience money can buy. A source says the couple have settled on the Kensington Wing at London’s Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital for the babies’ delivery, a stay that will be as pampering as it is private, since George has booked the entire wing!

With 14 suites eachch costing $7000 a night – and Amal’s hospital stay likely to last up to a week – the accommodat­ion modation alone will cost the couple around $588,000. To ensuree she is relaxed and comfortabl­e when the time comes for her little ones to be born, Amal is flying in two doulas or “birth companions”mpanions” from LA, who chargege $2000 each.

That, coupled with h first-class flights, five-star accommodat­ionommodat­ion and expenses, will set the couple back a cool $30,000.

“Amal is also splashing out on her favourite masseuse from Italy for the birth, who she swears by and has already booked in, to ensure she’s available to massage her before and after the big event and keep her as relaxed as possible,” the source adds. The masseuse – who charges $5 $5000 plus flights and expenses –i– is just one of a team of very we well-paid experts who’ll be on ha hand at the million-dollar birth. Th The couple have two top nannies at the ready – one for each twin – each costing $200,000 a year.

George has also called in a special favour from former ro royal maternity nurse Rachel W Waddilove, asking her to c come out of retirement for s six weeks to help the couple a adjust to parenthood.

When it comes to time in the h hospital, George is doing all he c can to ensure he and his wife

‘George has called in favours from all his connection­s’

feel right at home. “He’s already put in requests to the personal chef who will be on hand to whip them up gourmet meals at the hospital, including their favourite tagliolini pasta with truffles from Venice,” the source tells. George will also enjoy Dom Perignon Champagne – although Amal will likely skip the drinks.

“George is flying in his favourite Italian chef, Riccardo de Pra, who catered their wedding, to oversee the pair’s dining needs and ensure everything is only the best, which is costing an extra $10,000.”

Of course, when you have a net worth of $237 million, it’s easy to splash the cash. And George and Amal, who last month bought a Manhattan apartment to house their growing family for a cool $112 million, aren’t likely to stop there. So far the cost of their birth experience amounts to a dizzying $1.3 million, and we can only imagine their expenses will grow once the twins are born!

“If ever the term million-dollar baby was applicable, it’s for the mini-clooneys,” our insider says. “George is making it clear money is no object when it comes to his wife and much longed-for babies.”

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