Woman’s Day (Australia)

Turia Pitt and her fiance Michael will make great parents.


Turia Pitt and her fiance Michael Hoskin have proved time and again that no obstacle is too daunting, and now the loved-up pair are hoping it won’t be long before they face another big challenge – becoming parents!

Turia, 29, recently revealed the pair’s exciting plans to start a family, even admitting to giving it priority over their nuptials, despite getting engaged in the Maldives in 2015.

When it comes to raising a family, Turia thinks she and Michael, 32, will make a “great

team” but admits she’ll also be looking to her dad Michael for parenting tips.

Describing her dad’s parenting rules as, “1. No whingeing and 2. No bloody whingeing,” Turia adds, “That’s the reason I’m so resilient. Kids need a bit of toughness to become mentally strong. I’ll be the disciplina­rian and Michael will be the favourite parent.”

And in a live Facebook Q&A with fans, Turia again confessed she and Michael “definitely” want to settle down and begin the next stage of their life together – and she has every confidence her life-changing injuries will be no hindrance to her future plans. “I don’t know if I’m able to have children because I’ve never tried,” she told one follower.

“Physically, I should be fine to have kids. But with life, you can’t guarantee anything. Michael and I would love to have kids. We definitely want a family.”

If anyone knows how unpredicta­ble life can be, it’s Turia. In 2011, she received horrific burns to 65 per cent of her body after she became trapped in a bushfire while competing in a 100km ultramarat­hon in outback WA.

Michael has been by her side ever since, giving up his job to be her full-time carer.

Turia reveals that this year she wants to focus on being “back to boyfriend and girlfriend, not patient and carer”. “The last few years have been about me, so I want this year to be about being a better partner, a better daughter and friend,” she says. But with her 30th birthday looming, we doubt Turia’s nearest and dearest will let her get away with escaping the limelight. She deserves to be spoilt!

‘Michael will be the favourite parent’

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 ??  ?? Long-time couple Michael and Turia will likely share their love of adventure and the outdoors, with their kids.
Long-time couple Michael and Turia will likely share their love of adventure and the outdoors, with their kids.

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