Woman’s Day (Australia)

Feed your hair


Lacklustre locks? The key to sexy strands could be hidden in your pantry…

FOR SHINE… TRY FISH OR SEAFOOD Dull locks mean your hair is in need of a serious nutrient boost! Oily fish like salmon and mackerel are full of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, which promote shine from root to tip. Seafood is also full of zinc and biotin to beat hair loss. FOR VOLUME…… TRY NUTS In particular, Brazil nuts, which are high in selenium to support healthy hair growth, and almonds which are rich in magnesium to ensure thick, strong hair. The vitamin E in nuts keeps damage at bay, too. FOR WEAK HAIR… TRY COTTAGE CHEESE Protein is essential for strong, healthy hair, so a simple pot of cottage cheese is the perfect cure for weak strands. Besides protein, it’s loaded with B vitamins and calcium. FOR THIN HAIR… TRY MEAT Losing hair? It might mean you’re iron deficient. If you’re a carnivore, great! But if red meat and liver don’t tickle your fancy, eggs and nuts are good alternativ­es. Just remember to pair with vitamin C-rich citrus for easier iron absorption.

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