Woman’s Day (Australia)



ACROSS 2. What killed the cat in Dickens’ old shop? (9) 8. Mature Persian not as volatile (5) 9. Red tape transposed and narrowed (7) 10. Ignore him, and he’ll still give you a thumbs up (10) 12. Book that’s a last resort (5) 14. Saucy dance held in colossal salon (5) 15. Corner the correct journalist­ic slant (5,5) 18. European heard to be hurryin’ (7) 19. Levered open and looked closely inside (5) 20. Cook gets eager to locate bunny’s gift (6,3) DOWN 1. Event with ample food and drink, perhaps due to home delivery (8,5) 2. Big cities have big letters (8) 3. Franchise included Texan spread (5) 4. When not indoors, risk long shot (7,6) 5. Prime position on ship to create favourable impact (7) 6. A woolly story? (4) 7. Ulterior motives for abstruse schedules (6,7) 11. Hailing taxi when growing tired (8) 13. Spooky drinks? (7) 16. Ralph pulled alternativ­e piece of fruit (5) 17. Tiny landmass is half a mile (4)

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