Woman’s Day (Australia)

Hollywood’s latest body craze THE KETO DIET

Why Hollywood heavy weigh heavy weights are crazy for this low-carb plan


At first glance, Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian don’t have too much in common – but Hollywood icon Angelina and reality TV queen Kim share the same hot body secret in the form of the Keto diet – a way of eating that promises a healthier you, while allowing you to tuck in to plenty of fat and protein.

The diet is currently red-hot in Hollywood and it’s Ange’s go-to eating plan when she needs a health kick. And supermodel Adriana Lima is also in on the Keto craze.

Originally used for tackling hard-to-treat forms of epilepsy, the Ketogenic diet has evolved over the years from several other healthy eating plans, like the Tinseltown-friendly Atkins (formerly Kim’s favourite), which is low-carb, high-fat plus protein, and the Paleo plan, which urges those following it to eat “what a caveman would eat”.

Keto focuses on unprocesse­d foods, lean protein, healthy fats and nutritious greens.

The plan aims to help you slim down and tone up, along with a wealth of other health benefits, from tackling heartburn and aching joints to slowing the ageing process. It offers a slow, sustained release of energy and you won’t feel hungry.

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