Woman’s Day (Australia)


Stress Teflon author LUKE MATHERS offers ways to make sure your stress doesn’t stick


You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t have to deal with high pressure situations on a daily basis. But going from tightly wound to chilled out is all in the mind, says Stress Teflon author Luke Mathers.

“I exercise and surf most days, and I also do yoga and mind-awareness exercises,” he says. “All of these things help, but, to truly make stress non-stick, you have to catch yourself at the fork in the stress road.”

You need to breathe, think about the situation and choose a considered path, explains Luke, not one that allows stress to become toxic. He identifies three key factors in handling stress...

The security ofo a tribe

To feel safe,sa we must have connection­s with people and maintain and create bonds that will strengthen our tribe. Human beings are communal by nature. We need the support of our tribe, or pack, to feel loved and purposeful.

Pride from contributi­ngP c Pc

# ToT f feel l proud of ourselves, we must contribute to the world and have meaning in our life. We need to contribute to feel good and have wellbeing. Genuine self-confidence is essential for eudemonia (a state of happiness) and a big part of managing our stress. Remember, the biggest cause of toxic stress is the fear that you are unable to handle a given situation.

Honest self-awareness

Use hon honest rational thoughts to improve weaknesses, accept faults and develop an improved mindset. A better version of yourself won’t rationalis­e poor decisions, and is authentic with honest self-awareness. s.

 ?? Stress Teflon by Luke Mathers (Advantage Publishing, $32.99). ??
Stress Teflon by Luke Mathers (Advantage Publishing, $32.99).

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