Woman’s Day (Australia)

Australia’s quietest cafe


Melbourne’s Tradeblock Cafe founder and teacher Amanda Joyce takes us behind the counter of what could be the country’s quietest and happiest cafe, where the chatter is carried out in animated sign language (Auslan).

“It really is a magical and fun place to work and learn about the hospitalit­y industry, workplace and life. The cafe came about because we wanted to establish an authentic workplace, which gave Victorian College for the Deaf students a practical way to learn beyond the classroom,” Amanda says.

“Prior to establishi­ng Tradeblock, we found they just weren’t ready for work and the world. The cafe is changing all that. The students are learning communicat­ion, interperso­nal, time and stress management and problem-solving skills.

“All those amazing skills are learned at the cafe, too. It’s changing lives. The priority is on education, not profit. Our customers come back because it’s a high standard cafe. Our prices are fairly low, as we want students to be able to purchase here, too,” she says.

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