Woman’s Day (Australia)




1. School principals 9. Callously 15. Flow out (from) 16. Insect grub 17. Confronted (fears) 19. Expect 21. Improper (influence) 22. Elegance 23. Insistent 24. Frogman’s gear 25. Broader 27. Horse restraint 29. Mediocre (2-2) 31. Saw us through, ... us over 33. Rock shelf 35. Removed 38. Kinder 40. Enclosure 42. Serpent 43. Levels (the score) 44. Ardent 46. Wanes 48. US 10-cent coins 49. Hooter 50. Jockey’s boot spike 51. Indonesian dish 53. Of the nose 55. Tingle 56. Acrobat 58. Differing 61. Colour 63. One-spot card 65. Enmesh 69. Lower (oneself) 71. From Nairobi or Mombasa 72. Specimen 74. Loan note (1,1,1) 75. Pencil-mark removers 76. Cowboy movie 77. Military aviation facility (3,4) 78. Beautify 79. Israeli port, ... Aviv 80. Milk sugar 81. Peroxide 84. Strolls 87. Depresses 91. As well as 93. Telepathy (1,1,1) 94. Heartfelt 97. Criticised brutally 100. Highly excited 101. Diner 103. Scat! 105. Present 106. Rove 107. Theatrical piece 108. Dole (out) 109. Request 110. Curtain 111. Duckling’s dad 113. Uncommon 115. Actor, ... Devito 117. Bypass 120. New Zealand native 122. Languishes 124. Prince William’s wife 127. Messy person 129. Predatory bird 131. Gateaux 133. Dig up 134. Striped equine 136. Exclusive group 137. Escort 138. Wear away by weathering 139. Car crash 140. Past master (3,4) 141. Campaign organisers 142. Portable stairs


1. Corridor 2. Ventilated 3. Scant 4. Couch 5. Function host 6. Family vehicle 7. Largest desert 8. Harm 9. Qualifying rounds 10. Accrue 11. Ballet dress 12. Compare 13. Teamed (with) 14. Produced 18. Land measures 20. Symbolic pictures 26. Aged 28. Venice is there 30. Vast body of water 32. Persian 34. Swabs lightly 35. Child’s toy, ... bear 36. Japanese robe 37. Ants’ homes 39. Chilly 41. First Greek letter 45. Attract (penalty) 47. Trilled 49. ... & hearty 52. Throb painfully 54. Region 56. Wow! 57. Turn (hide) into leather 58. TV watchers 59. Contacted 60. Encroach (upon) 62. Innumerabl­e 64. Clashing instrument­s 66. Less abundant 67. Phenomenal 68. Least challengin­g 70. Eighth, ..., tenth 71. Malaysia’s ... Lumpur 73. Ram’s mate 75. Electric fish 82. Pond 83. Media promotions 85. Small garden plot 86. Heroic tale 88. Heavenly being 89. Debase 90. Rip-off 92. Danger 94. Red-rind cheese 95. African nation 96. Until now (2,3) 98. Contribute­d 99. Avoid 101. Make (wage) 102. Respond 103. Slug relative 104. Office reminder 109. Spoils rotten 110. Embankment­s 112. Lodge firmly 114. Appears 116. Upward climb 118. Work too hard, ... it 119. Berlin language 121. Harvested 123. Earlier 125. Bonfire residue 126. EU currency units 127. Loses (fur) 128. Holed atmosphere layer 130. Pottery varnish 132. Martial art, ... fu 135. Chime

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