Woman’s Day (Australia)




Country copper goes on The Bachelor (4) 3. I hear that freak went to pay regular visits (8) 9. Weird how United Nations can take on New York (7) 10. Romans say the number 40 will stand out (5) 11. Divulge secret Latin translatio­n in private (12) 13. In France one bank vault is not secure (6) 15. One who looks for thrills? (6) 17. Arriving in Bermuda, for example, has its drawbacks (12) 20. Fruit used to make lemon crush (5) 21. Brute in agitation over rotary engine (7) 22. One who makes the beds (8) 23. Confidentl­y covered up depression (4)


Come on up! Sushi chef offers unusually spicy, original dish (8) 2. Meat company caught in ban (5) 4. What girls did with curls, according to strange Mr Hyde (6) 5. The final part of an interrogat­ion? (8,4) 6. Surrounded area with two-thirds of men left in cave (7) 7. Scrabble piece found on the roof (4) 8. Lack of interest in discrepanc­y (12) 12. Chairman opened centres built on curved street (8) 14. Carol’s off to ring her first student (7) 16. Reaper with chesty disorder (6) 18. I’ve gone after an upset innocent (5) 19. Pollution made the family quit smoking (4)

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