Woman’s Day (Australia)



You’d think Offspring actress Jane Harber would be a movie buff, given her role on Rove Mcmanus’ new program Show

Me The Movie!. So we decided to test her with some movie trivia to see how she really fares under pressure... When did the first Star Wars film come out? I am so incredibly bad with Star Wars. I’m going to guess the ’70s?! Correct Which film won the Oscar for Best Picture earlier this month? I didn’t watch the Oscars. Was it

The Shape Of Water? I’ve seen the first 15 minutes and it looks amazing. Correct Rabbit-proof Fence is set in which Australian state? Deb Mailman is going to kill me for this. It’s north of me and I’m in Melbourne… is it NSW?! Incorrect Answer: Western Australia Name Muriel’s home town in Muriel’s Wedding... Porpoise Spit. I love the film, it’s incredible. Correct In the film Sex And The City, how does Charlotte get sick in Mexico? I’m going to guess she picks up some virus?! Incorrect Answer: She swallowed some shower water. SHOW ME THE MOVIE! Thursday, 7.30pm, Ten

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