Woman’s Day (Australia)

Ageing gracefully, men’s health checks

Psychologi­st DR SAMANTHA CLARKE explains why getting older isn’t all doom and gloom


Ageing is often a sensitive topic for many of us, especially in an imageobses­sed society. But many cultures around the world actually embrace the change.

“It is really our Western culture that has made this link between ageing being a problem and a woman losing her worth,” says clinical psychologi­st Dr Samantha Clarke. “In many Eastern cultures ageing is seen as a gaining of wisdom and knowledge. The issue with women and ageing is really tied up in gender inequality and society connecting a woman’s value to their looks.”

Let’s not forget the many benefits of racking up the years!

Life makes far more sense

We tend to forget the fact that with age comes wisdom and a greater comfort with our surroundin­gs, beliefs and communitie­s.

“Often as we age we develop a much greater perspectiv­e,” says Dr Clarke. “We’re often clearer on who we are and what’s important to us. We tend to be more invested in values linked to wellbeing – community and connection with others – rather than values linked to poor health like status, physical attractive­ness, money and power. We stop comparing ourselves so much to others and the inner critic often quietens down.”

Your body indeed becomes a temple

You’d be hard-pressed to find a woman who hasn’t struggled with body image issues at one point in her life, but showing your body love and accepting it for all the amazing things it does for you is vital in the later years.

“Start caring for your body like you would a dear friend,” says Dr Clarke. “Starting to build self-compassion from an earlier age will definitely assist women with ageing gracefully and being kind and nurturing to themselves. “It’s important that we also encourage people, especially young girls, to understand how amazing our bodies are and how they enable functions like carrying babies or holding our loved ones close.” Dr Clarke suggests looking to people who embrace their age, including celebrity role models such as Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren and Jane Goodall.

You deserve to treat yourself

If you’re struggling to accept your age, try to trick yourself into feeling confident and content with it by adopting some simple strategies.

Eventually, you’ll really start believing them. “Dress in a way that you love and

makes you feel good,” says Dr Clarke. “Enjoy self-care and make yourself a priority. Nurture yourself as you would your most loved. Rather than thinking, ‘I need to have a facial so my skin looks good to others’, focus on the pleasure of the facial and see this as you being kind and loving to yourself.”

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 ??  ?? Don’t forget to treat yourself!
Don’t forget to treat yourself!
 ??  ?? Dr Samantha Clarke
Dr Samantha Clarke

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