Woman’s Day (Australia)

Kate Mulgrew: ‘I love the Aussie spirit!’


From headlining as Galina “Red” Reznikov, Litchfield’s prison matriarch on Orange Is The New Black, all the way back to her pioneering days on Star Trek: Voyager, Kate Mulgrew is one of TV’S most accomplish­ed actresses.

But Kate, 63, admits her prison co-star Yael Stone has taught her some new tricks.

“She has a wonderful Australian spirit, a bold one, a smart one and a funny one. She is to our advantage – she’s one of our best actresses.”

The hit drama series is back for its sixth season, and viewers will see the power dynamic shift as inmates enter a new facility.

But despite the tension on screen, Kate says once the cameras stop rolling it’s a very different atmosphere among the cast.

“It’s hard to find a bad apple in this group – when we’re not laughing we’re crying!”

The cast are such great friends, new mum Yael, 33, brought her three-month-old daughter Pemau to the set. “We were thrilled having the baby on set,” Kate tells us.

But it’s not just her wonderful co-stars Kate is grateful for. The veteran actress acknowledg­es how lucky she is to be playing a role as strong as Red at this stage in her career.

“Look at the other actresses my age,” she says. “There aren’t many roles out there for all of us!”

ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK Season 6 streaming now on Netflix

 ??  ?? Kate stars as head chef Red on OITNB.
Kate stars as head chef Red on OITNB.
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