Woman’s Day (Australia)



She’s bright and bubbly when the cameras are rolling, but behind the scenes, Ashlea hasn’t stopped crying, because she hasn’t had the courage to tell Nick about her nine-year-old son Jayden.

“She’s been waiting for the right moment on a single date,” confides a friend. “But there’s no sign of that happening yet, and the others in the house are starting to ask if she’s embarrasse­d about having a son.

“It’s mean, really, how they’re ganging up on her, but she was encouraged by producers to hold onto the news, too.

“Dasha is ‘out and proud’ about her boy, which is why everyone’s saying to Ashlea, ‘Why don’t you tell Nick, too?’ ”

Worse still, Ashlea has asked the others to keep her secret from Nick, which they’re finding difficult, not to mention bizarre.

 ??  ?? Ashlea has posted pics of Jayden, but hasn’t told Nick about him.
Ashlea has posted pics of Jayden, but hasn’t told Nick about him.

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