Woman’s Day (Australia)


After beating ‘IS’ herself, CEO of Total Image Group PAMELA JABBOUR teaches us how to stop feeling like frauds!


What am I doing here? I don’t belong. I don’t know anywhere near as much as the people around me. I’m a total fraud…”

Does this negative internal monologue sound familiar?

Imposter Syndrome (IS) also known as “fraud syndrome” is defined as a “psychologi­cal pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplish­ments and has a persistent internalis­ed fear of being exposed as a fraud”.

Affecting more women than men, it has been estimated that nearly 70 per cent of individual­s will experience Imposter Syndrome at least once in their life.

Impostor Syndrome can weigh in on your career or your social life. Here are some tips to overcome IS.


As over-achievers ers we are often so focused on the next goal or milestone that we take no time to recognise what we’ve accomplish­ed. Take the time to regularly recognise your achievemen­ts and reflect on what you’ve done over that time.


Realise s that you aren’t perfect – no on one is – but there’s certainly a huge list of things you’re gre great at. Make a list of your streng strengths and how you’ve used these to add value to your business and f for those around you.you The pursuit of perfection and a the desire to be the very best be leaves us feeling anxious and an triggers our fear of failure, leaving us terrified we’ll make a mistake. As perfection­ists, we put an inordinate amount of pressure on ourselves and forget we’re simply human, and it’s OK if we make a mistake. Understand and work with your strengths, build on your weaknesses and, most importantl­y, recognise that we’re all unique and our imperfecti­ons are part of what make us who we are.


British actor and comedian Ricky Gervais once said, “No one else knows what they’re doing d i either.” ith ”T Try t to remind yourself about this quote when you start to doubt yourself. Sharing our feelings and communicat­ing to those we trust when we feel this way is a great way to feel understood and simply just be heard. While IS is common, it’s so important to check in with yourself and nip the niggling feeling of being a fraud from evolving into a more frequent one.

Don’t let the fear of doubt sabotage your success, and remind yourself you’ve worked hard to get to where you are today. Taking the time to own your success increases confidence and subconscio­usly starts to shut down the little imposter on our shoulder telling us we aren’t good enough!

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